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Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report

MultiQC searches a given directory for analysis logs and compiles a HTML report. It's a general use tool, perfect for summarising the output from numerous bioinformatics tools.

Example reports

MultiQC collects numerical stats from each module at the top the report, so that you can track how your data behaves as it proceeds through your analysis.

Ever spent ages collecting reports and wading through log file output?

Here's the answer to your frustrations...

Visualise statistics from your pipeline

MultiQC collects numerical stats from each module at the top the report, so that you can track how your data behaves as it proceeds through your analysis.

Plot all of your samples together

Visualizing your samples together allows detailed comparison, not possible by scanning one report after another.

Supports your favourite tools

MultiQC comes supports many common bioinformatics tools out of the box. If you're missing something, just create an issue on GitHub to request it - if you have an example log file it's usually pretty fast.

Extensible and documented

Want to use this to do something fancy? MultiQC is structured to allow easy extension and customisation with plugin hooks, a submodule framework and simple templating. Everything is well documented, with step by step instructions for writing your new tool.

Simple installation

Search any directory

View report in a web browser

Zip file for easy sharing

Extensible & well documented

Install from the Python Package Index or Bioconda

To install MultiQC, simply run pip install multiqc on the command line.

If you use conda, you can run conda install multiqc instead.

See the installation instructions for more help.