Manuscript Tracking System Molecular Psychiatry

Reviewer Instructions

Reviewers are kindly requested to consider the originality of the scientific work and to evaluate the scope of the manuscript with respect to the broad readership of the Journal. In particular the review form will rapidly allow you to provide feedback in the following areas:
  • Importance of Findings;
  • Quality of Experiments;
  • Clarity of Presentation;
  • Overall Rating;
  • Points In Favor;
  • Points Detracting;
  • Publication Priority of Contribution;
  • Remarks to the Editor;
  • Remarks to the Author.

Review Process

The manuscript submission and peer review process can be, at its most basic level, broken down into the following 7 steps:
  1. The Author submits a manuscript.
  2. The Editor assigns Reviewers to the manuscript.
  3. The Reviewers review the manuscript.
  4. The Editor makes a first decision.
  5. If necessary, the Author makes revisions and resubmits.
  6. The Editor makes a final decision.
  7. The Staff contacts the Author with the decision.

Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium

Molecular Psychiatry is a member of the Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium (NPRC). The purpose of the NPRC is to decrease the time and effort involved in the peer review process, and reduce the burden placed on reviewers. NPRC member journals agree to transfer manuscript reviews upon the author's request.
  • How does the NPRC work? An author decides to submit a manuscript that has been rejected after review at a member journal. The author will write to the journal staff and request the reviews be transferred. The journal staff will then contact reviewers, and will pass the comments to authors on to the receiving journal. For a flow chart of the transfer process, see the NPRC's website.

  • Will all comments be forwarded? No. Only comments to the author are passed on. Confidential comments to the editors will not be transferred.

  • Will reviewers remain anonymous? If an author contacts Molecular Psychiatry to request their reviews be transferred, the editorial staff will email each reviewer to ask if they will allow their names to be transferred as well. If a reviewer declines, or fails to respond, Molecular Psychiatry will pass on their comments anonymously. All consortium journals agree to keep reviewers anonymous to authors.

Navigating the System

When you first log into the system, you will be taken to your "Home" page. It will list different catagories of tasks . If you are required to perform a pending action item or task, there will be a red arrow?next to a "Manuscript" link. After clicking on this link, you will be presented with a "Manuscript" screen containing:
  • Identifying information about a specific manuscript.
  • Links to the manuscript and associated figures/images.
  • A list of "Manuscript Tasks" or hyperlinks allowing you to:
    • Accept/Decline Reviewer Position.
    • Review Manuscript
    • Check Status
(Not all links will be present all the time. Only the applicable links will be visible.)

If there are no red arrows?visible on the "Home" page, then you are finished and have no outstanding tasks to complete. There is no pending work you need to worry about.

Review Manuscript

After logging in, if you accept to review the paper, please log onto the system, pressing click on the manuscript link preceed by a red arrow and, you will be presented with a the "Manuscript Tasks" screen as described above. At the bottom of this screen under "Manuscript Tasks" will be displayed. Please click on a "Review Manuscript" link. Clicking on this link will display the "Review Manuscript" Screen. This page will enable you to provide your review of the manuscript. This screen is broken into 5 parts as follows:
  1. Manuscript background information.
  2. A review pop-down selection.
  3. A video/dataset recommendation pop-down.
  4. Remarks to the author.
  5. Confidential remarks to the editor only.
If you prefer to work offline, you may find it quickest to download and print the PDF file, draft your review remarks using your favorite word processor and cut/paste it back into the reviewer remarks text area on this screen once complete.

Adobe Acrobat

We recommend that for accessing the PDF files, best results are acheived if you have access to Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0. Should you require installation of this FREE program, please download from the link here and follow the on-screen instructions. (We recommend that on completion of installation, you amend one of the default settings. Select: File - Preferences - General, and UNCHECK Web Browser Integration)

Getting Help

If you need additional help, you can click on the help signs spread throughout the system. A help dialogue will pop up with context sensitive help. Should further assistance be required, then please contact the editorial office (