Manuscript Tracking System Communications Biology

Reviewer Instructions

Navigating the System

When you first log into the system, you will be taken to your "Home" page, which lists different catagories of tasks. Pending tasks that you need to complete are identified by a red arrow next to a "Manuscript" link. After clicking on this link, you will be presented with a screen containing the hyperlink "Manuscript Tasks", which will lead to a hyperlink allowing you to "Review Manuscript".

If there are no red arrows visible on the "Home" page, then you are finished and have no outstanding tasks to complete.

Review Manuscript

After logging in, click on the manuscript link identified by a red arrow, and you will be presented with the "Manuscript Tasks" screen as described above.

To make electronic review as simple as possible we have created a single merged PDF from the submitted article, table and figure files. You can access this merged PDF from the link under ‘Manuscript Items’. If you require access to the individual manuscript files please click on the ‘view all manuscript files’ link. In addition, we have created a reviewer zip file containing the merged PDF and, where applicable, any supplementary, Video, Audio and Source Data files.

At the bottom of this screen under "Manuscript Tasks" will be displayed a "Review Manuscript" link to display a screen containing the following items:

  1. Manuscript background information
  2. Comments for transmission to the authors
  3. Confidential remarks for the editor only

Formatting the review

  1. Brief summary of the manuscript
  2. Overall impression of the work
  3. Specific comments, with recommendations for addressing each comment

If you prefer to work offline, you may find it easiest to download and print the PDF file, draft your review remarks using your favorite word processor and cut/paste them back into the reviewer remarks area on the screen once complete. You may also save your comments and return to them later by clicking 'Save and Exit'.

For additional information and resources for referees, please see our referees page.

Review Report Tips

  • Number all comments to aid the authors in preparing their response.
  • Avoid any personal comments about the authors.
  • Avoid commenting that a native English speaker should edit the manuscript.
  • Keep in mind that the editors will make a decision on the manuscript based on your comments regarding the scientific quality and technical soundness of the work. There is no need to include an explicit recommendation to reject, accept or revise the manuscript.
  • If additional experiments or references are needed to support the claims made in the paper, please provide specific recommendations to the authors to avoid confusion.
  • If commenting that any aspect of the paper is not novel, please provide references.
  • Confidential comments to the editors should be reserved for information that is truly confidential in nature (eg, names of individuals who helped with the report or references to unpublished work.
  • Remember that positive feedback to the authors can be just as valuable as critical feedback!

Getting Help

If you experience any difficulties, you can click on the help signs throughout the system to bring up context-sensitive help dialogue boxes.

If you experience any problems, please contact the Platform Support Helpdesk.

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