BIENVENÜE is an international post-doctoral fellowship programme aiming at attracting talented scientists to develop their two-year project in Breton laboratories. BIENVENÜE is coordinated by Région Bretagne and will be implemented over a period of 5 years, with 3 annual calls of 25 24-month fellowships (2021, 2022, 2023).

The calls for proposals are now closed.

What are we aiming for with BIENVENÜE?

  • Attracting international high-level post-doctoral fellows, and therefore reinforcing human research potential of Brittany’s research in the long term
  • Increasing attractiveness of Breton leading research and innovation domains
  • Supporting the implementation of Breton S3 – Regional Research and Innovation Strategy – and therefore contributing to the territorial development

As co-funded programme by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MCSA) COFUND scheme, BIENVENÜE implements key elements of the MSCA DNA.

Design your own research project

As BIENVENUE fellow, you will have the full latitude to carry out a research project you have designed yourself. You are encouraged to develop this project in coordination with your future supervisor, if you already identified one. Projects ranging from fundamental to applied research are welcome, as long as they relate to the Breton S3 (see below).

BIENVENÜE fellows are strongly encouraged to work in a international, interdisciplinary and/or intersectorial way. You are incited to include one or several of these dimensions in your research the way it seems the most relevant to you. In particular, it can be as a mobility, named “secondment”, in another laboratory or a company.

Can your research project be funded?

Any thematic can be funded in BIENVENÜE, as long as you relate your research project to the Breton S3 in a direct or indirect manner. Indeed, as BIENVENÜE is part of the Breton R&I development strategy, aiming at fostering regional research excellence in identified areas:

Région Bretagne finally aims to support research related to transitions our society is actually facing: digital and industrial, ecological and energy, and citzien and social ones.

As a consequence, researchers from various disciplines can contribute to the same areas.

What does the funding cover?

The BIENVENÜE funding covers:

  • A 24-month fellowship of 4 510€/month (this amount includes taxes paid by the fellow and the host institution on the work contract, which may vary over time)
  • Full social security coverage according to French standards: family allowance, parental and sick leave, 25 vacation days per year minimum, transport contribution, pension contribution, unenmployment benefits

Research costs, management and training activities should be provided by the Host Institution.

What else does the fellowship include?

We aim to contribute to our fellows’ career development in two major ways :

  • Fostering scientific independence and maturity
  • Developing transversal professional skills and furthering new opportunities

To do so, we are developing appropriate and constant support as well as specialized training activities.

Numerous tools will help you and supervisor to discuss and find solutions to ensure progress of your research project and your career, such as: An Annex of the Work Contract stating the responsabilities of the fellow and the supervisor, Career Development Plan, Progress Reports…

You might also benefit from additional feedback from another scientist, from another laboratory, another discipline and/or host institution through the mentoring scheme. Feedback could cover progress of your research project or career and personal development.

You will also have mandatory training on your own scientific domain and transferable skills, notably with access to training in any of the host institutions within the BIENVENÜE consortium.

We are helping you to adopt the best research practices, such as Open Science practices (Data Management Plan, Access to publications… ), ethics and integrity, or gender consideration.

A dedicated event will be organized each year to help fellows develop an inclusive community of scholars and network with local actors: the European Responsible Research and Innovation Event. Discussing these best research practices will be a highlight of this event.

Click here to watch a recording of the ERRIE 2022 event.