Media Research Center

Since 1987, the Media Research Center has worked successfully to expose and counter the leftist bias of the national news media, where now only a historically low 32% of Americans say they trust media to be fair and impartial. Alongside this effort, MRC leads the conservative movement in combatting the left’s efforts to manipulate the electoral process, silence opposing voices online, and undermine American values.

Newsbusters card

MRC NewsBusters, the News Analysis Division’s fast paced and popular blog, is the leader in documenting, exposing, and neutralizing liberal media bias. MRC NewsBusters also houses the following divisions:

MRCTV card

MRCTV is the multimedia division of MRC featuring original content and aggregated videos of the news, people, and events conservatives care about. Additionally, MRCTV has merged with CNSNews.

FSA card

MRC Free Speech America uncovers and fights the systematic campaign of the Big Tech companies, like Google and Facebook, to censor constitutionally protected speech. It also maintains the one-of-a-kind CensorTrack database.

MRC Highlights

2024 MRC Post-Election Caribbean Cruise Registration Now Open
2024 MRC Post-Election Caribbean Cruise Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for the Media Research Center’s 2024 Post-Election Caribbean Cruise. Scheduled for the week following the 2024 election...
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Tell the Truth! 2024
Tell the Truth! 2024
We will expose the left's efforts to undermine American values, silence conservative voices, and manipulate the electoral process.
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A Personal Appeal for Israel
A Personal Appeal for Israel
A note from MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell: "As a rule, I don’t make appeals for anything outside of the Media Research Center universe simply because that must always be my priority, but there are exceptions and our little enterprise must always be fed."
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Orwellian: Media Try to Purge the Record that Kamala Harris Is Joe Biden's Border Czar
Orwellian: Media Try to Purge the Record that Kamala Harris Is Joe Biden's Border Czar
Since Vice President Kamala Harris was severely lacking in actual accomplishments from her time in the Biden administration, and was now…
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FLASHBACK: The Media’s Most Outrageous Olympic Outbursts
FLASHBACK: The Media’s Most Outrageous Olympic Outbursts
Conservative sports fans checking in on coverage of Team USA at the Paris Olympics might want to brace themselves for unexpected outbursts…
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2024 MRC Post-Election Caribbean Cruise Registration Now Open
2024 MRC Post-Election Caribbean Cruise Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for the Media Research Center’s 2024 Post-Election Caribbean Cruise. Scheduled for the week following the 2024…
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Leftist Journalists Scare Their Audience: Trump 2024 Win Will Be ‘End of Democracy!’
Leftist Journalists Scare Their Audience: Trump 2024 Win Will Be ‘End of Democracy!’
For years leftist journalists have been scaring their audience into believing that a Donald Trump victory in 2024 will bring about the “…
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STUDY: Despite Massive Media Attack, Trump Popularity Has Grown
STUDY: Despite Massive Media Attack, Trump Popularity Has Grown
This Thursday, despite the liberal media’s tremendous effort over the past 18 months to destroy his campaign, you’ll hear Donald Trump…
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Morning Joe Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Calling ‘Fascist’ ‘Hitler’ Trump a ‘Threat’ to Democracy 
Morning Joe Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Calling ‘Fascist’ ‘Hitler’ Trump a ‘Threat’ to Democracy 
There’s a reason even MSNBC executives decided to keep Morning Joe off the air — in the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt of…
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MRC Free Speech America EXPOSES 7 Federal Agencies Pressuring Big Tech to Censor Americans
MRC Free Speech America EXPOSES 7 Federal Agencies Pressuring Big Tech to Censor Americans
President Joe Biden sits atop a censorship regime made up of federal agencies that has repeatedly pressured Big Tech social media…
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Watch Out for Shenanigans From CNN Debate Moderators Tapper and Bash!
Watch Out for Shenanigans From CNN Debate Moderators Tapper and Bash!
[LANGUAGE WARNING] Watch out for shenanigans on Thursday night from CNN’s debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash! Both Donald Trump…
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MRC Announces Third Annual Bulldog Award Winners: Hanson, Shapiro, Dillon, Zito, Schweizer, Akiva and Prager
MRC Announces Third Annual Bulldog Award Winners: Hanson, Shapiro, Dillon, Zito, Schweizer, Akiva and Prager
With our third annual Bulldog Awards in six categories announced today, the Media Research Center is honoring conservatives in the media…
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WRAP-UP: TV’s Negative, Nasty, Lurid & Obsessive Coverage of Trump’s Trial
WRAP-UP: TV’s Negative, Nasty, Lurid & Obsessive Coverage of Trump’s Trial
Jury deliberations have begun in Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump. Regardless of the verdict,…
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George Soros Fueled $80M Into Groups Calling for Big Tech Censorship in Lead-Up to 2024 Elections
George Soros Fueled $80M Into Groups Calling for Big Tech Censorship in Lead-Up to 2024 Elections
A massive effort spearheaded by a censorship-obsessed group financed by leftist billionaire George Soros is looking to incorporate global…
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Seven Blatant Biden LIES ABC, CBS, NBC Refuse to Report
Seven Blatant Biden LIES ABC, CBS, NBC Refuse to Report
It’s not just the gaffes that keep coming, it’s also the lies! President Joe Biden can barely open his mouth without a blatant falsehood…
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41 Times Google Has Interfered in US Elections Since 2008
41 Times Google Has Interfered in US Elections Since 2008
Google has been getting away with election interference for at least 16 years, and it is showing no signs of stopping. MRC Free Speech…
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 39 Times Facebook Interfered in US Elections Since 2008
39 Times Facebook Interfered in US Elections Since 2008
If Facebook, the company, had a personal Facebook profile, its “relationship status” with free speech would say, “It’s complicated.” The…
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PolitiFact's 'Truth-O-Meter' Has a Dramatic Democratic Party TILT
PolitiFact's 'Truth-O-Meter' Has a Dramatic Democratic Party TILT
  For International Fact-Checking Day on April 2, Eric Litke, the leader of the USA Today fact-checking squad, asked who should be…
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Brent Bozell Explains the Media War on Trump on Fox's 'Life, Liberty & Levin'
Brent Bozell Explains the Media War on Trump on Fox's 'Life, Liberty & Levin'
On Sunday's episode of Life, Liberty, & Levin on the Fox News Channel, Media Research Center founder and president L. Brent Bozell…
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Media: The Economy Is Actually 'Fantastic,' Voters Are Just Too Dumb To Notice
Media: The Economy Is Actually 'Fantastic,' Voters Are Just Too Dumb To Notice
For basically the entire Biden presidency, the corporate media have been trying to sell Americans on the idea that the economy is as good…
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BREAKING REPORT: Inside the Biden Admin’s New Strategy to Censor, Push Leftist Activism Into American Classrooms
BREAKING REPORT: Inside the Biden Admin’s New Strategy to Censor, Push Leftist Activism Into American Classrooms
  Executive Summary In Part 1 of this report, the MRC Censorship Investigation Project uncovered how the Biden administration used…
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BREAKING REPORT: How the Biden Administration Pushed German Censorship to American Teachers
BREAKING REPORT: How the Biden Administration Pushed German Censorship to American Teachers
Executive Summary The MRC Censorship Investigation Project has uncovered the Biden administration’s latest effort to silence Americans…
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MRC Exposes NewsGuard for Leftist Bias Third Year in a Row
MRC Exposes NewsGuard for Leftist Bias Third Year in a Row
Internet traffic cop NewsGuard has gotten worse. A new MRC Free Speech America analysis shows the notorious leftist media ratings…
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MEET THE NEW BOSS: George Soros’ Son Alex Takes Over $25-Billion Leftist Empire. Here’s Why He Could Be Even Worse
MEET THE NEW BOSS: George Soros’ Son Alex Takes Over $25-Billion Leftist Empire. Here’s Why He Could Be Even Worse
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY George Soros — the most notorious leftist billionaire in American politics — has chosen a successor to take over his $…
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Worst of the Media’s Decades-Long, Antisemitic Hamas PR Campaign
Worst of the Media’s Decades-Long, Antisemitic Hamas PR Campaign
Mere hours after Hamas militants began their wholesale slaughter of innocent Israelis on Saturday, the media were already gearing up to…
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The Media’s Big Lie: ‘No Evidence’ Against President Biden
The Media’s Big Lie: ‘No Evidence’ Against President Biden
For months, the left-wing media have been lying outright to their audiences about the status of President Biden’s corruption scandal.…
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ALEX SOROS In His Own Words
ALEX SOROS In His Own Words
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY George Soros — one of the world’s most powerful and influential leftist billionaires — finally found an heir to his…
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How Biden’s DHS Is Weaponizing an Anti-Terror Program Against Christians, Conservatives & the GOP
How Biden’s DHS Is Weaponizing an Anti-Terror Program Against Christians, Conservatives & the GOP
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MRC Free Speech America, as part of its new Freedom of Information Act investigations, has learned how the Biden…
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George Soros: Propaganda Powerhouse
George Soros: Propaganda Powerhouse
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Leftist billionaire George Soros wields a level of influence in American politics that makes him unrivaled among the…
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MRC Announces Second Annual Bulldog Award Winners: Walsh, Plante, Olohan, Markowicz, Raichik, Kerr; Plus Lifetime Award for Hume
MRC Announces Second Annual Bulldog Award Winners: Walsh, Plante, Olohan, Markowicz, Raichik, Kerr; Plus Lifetime Award for Hume
With our second annual Bulldog Awards in six categories announced today, the Media Research Center is honoring conservatives in the media…
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Propaganda Czar: Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media
Propaganda Czar: Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media
Executive Summary Leftist billionaire George Soros used his charities to build ties with hundreds of media organizations around the world…
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STUDY: How Big Tech Tried to Kill the Hunter Biden Story
STUDY: How Big Tech Tried to Kill the Hunter Biden Story
Twitter and Facebook worked in lockstep to restrict the flow of the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 presidential election.…
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MRC Announces First Annual Bulldog Award Winners: Levin, Bongino, Devine, Rosiak, Gutowski, Holden
MRC Announces First Annual Bulldog Award Winners: Levin, Bongino, Devine, Rosiak, Gutowski, Holden
With our first annual Bulldog Awards in six categories, the Media Research Center is honoring conservatives in the media who truly deserve…
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‘Misinformation’ Means Whatever the Media Don’t Like, Want Censored
‘Misinformation’ Means Whatever the Media Don’t Like, Want Censored
In the age of COVID, it’s hard to get through a full hour of TV news without hearing somebody talk about the worrying rise of “…
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CENSORED: How ABC, CBS, NBC Suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal
CENSORED: How ABC, CBS, NBC Suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal
It was a bombshell story that could have swayed the 2020 presidential election.  Just weeks before Election Day, the New York Post printed…
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NewsBusters Explainer Video: How Fact Checkers Abuse Their Role To Boost Democrat Causes
NewsBusters Explainer Video: How Fact Checkers Abuse Their Role To Boost Democrat Causes
Fact checkers are just as susceptible to bias and narrative-pushing as any other class of journalist. Despite this, major media…
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NewsBusters Explainer Video: Exposing the Media's Blatant Partisanship on Election Laws
NewsBusters Explainer Video: Exposing the Media's Blatant Partisanship on Election Laws
While reckless partisanship has become the norm on TV news, it’s hard to imagine a more shameless example than their coverage of Democrats…
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Video: TV Journalists Flat-Out Lying About Hunter Biden's Laptop
Video: TV Journalists Flat-Out Lying About Hunter Biden's Laptop
For almost a week, liberal cable and broadcast networks have ignored the FBI saying it has “nothing to add” to DNI Ratcliffe’s assessment…
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Testimonial background
Testimonial Trump

According to Media Research Center, 89% of the media’s coverage of our administration has been negative and purposely negative.

Donald J. Trump

Testimonial Ron DeSantis

I think the issue is, more and more people, partially because of work that you’ve (MRC) done and others on the conservative side to expose this, they don’t instinctively trust any of these media narratives anymore.

Ron DeSantis

Testimonial Rush

Brent Bozell and the MRC provide a most precious commodity — a quest for the truth. I can’t possibly expose every example of bias and error that emanates from the national mainstream media, but Bozell and his group come as close as anyone can. MRC is a vital national interest.

Rush Limbaugh

You make a difference.
Meet a few people who make us possible.
Teresa Rowland
Teresa Rowland
Teresa Rowland has always been skeptical of the media going back to the days of the big three networks. “My college roommate thought Walter Cronkite…
Melissa Emery
Jim & Melissa Emery
Melissa Emery is an acute businessperson and passionate conservative, two traits that led her to the Media Research Center. A native of Chicago,…
MRC Legacy Chairs Don Cooper & Terry Walter
Don Cooper & Terry Walter
A  few years ago, Don Cooper and his wife, Terry Walter, had cabinet work done in their Sioux Falls, S.D. home.  They knew the cabinet…
Tom & Kipp Gutshall
Tom & Kipp Gutshall
  Tom & Kipp Gutshall MRC supporters Tom and Kipp Gutshall want to make the media great again. And they decided that the best path to…
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