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Grasping on to Culture

Culture is not within your chemical composition. The term "culture" should steer away from the built ideology that culture is based on genes. Instead, the term "culture" should be interpreted as components that make up us as individuals and a community. To ensure...

Voter education door-knocking, a student reflection

Recently, we've discovered the power of the people. Empires can rise and fall. The main contributor to this is the people it is either serving or oppressing. We live in a nation in which our voice and our vote has been thought to not matter. There are people who do...


In the gentle whisper of the morning breeze, I am born. I am the rustle of leaves, the soft touch of dew-kissed grass underfoot, a fragrance of fresh beginnings wafting through the air. I am the sight of sunlight filtering through a canopy of trees, casting intricate...

The Necessity for Organizational Modesty

Talking about the work is not doing the work, it is getting off on the high that one receives from the pleasure of reaching a goal. Speaking on what has been done without any calling to action bleeds hubris and egoism in an organization, leading to no further work...

Matthew White: Lightbulbs and Democracy

The following passage was taken and edited from the July 7th, 2023 MLK Freedom Center intimate dialogue with West Coast Representative Matthew White of the AFSCME trade union organization. What rights, what ideas, what resources do we have available that might change...


Grasping on to Culture

Culture is not within your chemical composition. The term "culture" should steer away from the built ideology that culture is based on genes. Instead, the term "culture" should be interpreted as components that make up us as individuals and a community. To ensure...

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In the gentle whisper of the morning breeze, I am born. I am the rustle of leaves, the soft touch of dew-kissed grass underfoot, a fragrance of fresh beginnings wafting through the air. I am the sight of sunlight filtering through a canopy of trees, casting intricate...

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There are many methods of journal writing.  They all differ from diary writing.  Diary writing is generally designed to either record one’s personal activities or feelings about what is happening in life. The Freedom Center and the Institute for Community...

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Cancel Culture

Kennedi R., student, Selma Alabama--- Cancel culture is a pressing issue in our world today. Cancel culture tears through the walls of society, dragging down people with it. Things such as social media, gossip, and even our political system are involved with cancel...

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Protecting the Planet by Defeating our Cynicism

Fynn Manohchompoo, Student -- In our current democracy, people get left behind. Democracy is a word that we often define one-dimensionally, a statement that seems far simpler than it is: “a government of, by, and for the people.” The system of democracy we need is...

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