The Necessity for Organizational Modesty

by | May 31, 2024 | Community Organizing | 0 comments

Talking about the work is not doing the work, it is getting off on the high that one receives from the pleasure of reaching a goal.

Speaking on what has been done without any calling to action bleeds hubris and egoism in an organization, leading to no further work being accomplished. Subjective thinking in work that requires objectivity is linear and damaging. Cooperation will crumble. The collective will lose its original purpose.

Modesty grounds people in a cause. When collectives maintain their humility as they involve themselves in their work, they shall stay connected to the people the collective sought out to serve.

High morale has the requisite of other-interestedness. Arrogance leaves people cynical. Positive people’s change cannot happen when the internal has been corrupted. It takes unrelenting self-effacing behavior within organizations for the populace to wholeheartedly accept any support by organizations as genuinely having the long-term best interest of the people in mind.

Tasks carried out without the book-reporting of the duties makes for a group that maintains its unity with one another. Centralization of ideas is the main factor that prevents people from talking about the work and instead doing the work.

People must have enough willpower to leave their comfort of pleasuring themselves with their personal accomplishments. All people, if the goal is to maintain uplifting influence and cause noble impact, need to let go of egocentrism, defensiveness, and self-indulgence. With these high-horse attributes gone, the common purpose of the organization’s existence will sustain itself within the organization. To truly believe in a purpose, we cannot merely tell ourselves we have faith in it. We have to support that faith through the conduct we utilize daily.

For an organization to have the capability to create unity with the public, unity needs first to be held inside of the organization. For the external of an organization to thrive, the internal must flourish.

Most of the dissension collectives experience forms from the obsession with perfecting the logistics rather than preserving the essence. Teammates become overwhelmed with the work and end up spilling their pent-up frustration onto their peers in the forms of aggressiveness and passive aggressiveness. Aggressiveness is the up-front attack on a team member to assert dominance during a time of felt weakness for the aggressor. This looks like someone insultingly berating their peer for not doing a good enough job in the aggressor’s eyes. Passive aggressiveness is the undermining attack on a peer to assert dominance in an indirectly malicious manner. This looks like someone, out of that same feeling of their peer not doing the work adequately enough, asking their peer an insultingly snarky rhetorical question that has no real answer.

For both forms of aggression, modesty eases the perpetuated tension. Hearing out everyone’s ideas, coaching with love rather than dogmatically, and checking oneself when one is defensive are a couple of the ways to preserve a collective’s humility. The theme in all of these listed methods is selflessness. Treating team members as people rather than units is the key to the internal salvation of the group. 

Modest organizations must extend their humility to the public by proper representation of the organization. This looks like big smiles, warm welcomes and fluid proposals. Both the internal and external of a collective require commitment from all the team members. Just one loose link makes the whole network crash.

Members of organizations cannot allow frustrations to take control of the group. It is the responsibility of all organizations to maintain the social contract and fellowship that members have for their peers.

Keep hope alive!

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