There are many methods of journal writing.  They all differ from diary writing.  Diary writing is generally designed to either record one’s personal activities or feelings about what is happening in life. The Freedom Center and the Institute for Community Leadership use a very basic journal writing method.  It involves an analytical observation of the following: the world or nation, the local community, your own world-view, and your own self-transformation.  Keep a journal and write daily.  Writing a journal is basically carrying out a discussion with yourself.

Write daily, a minimum of two sentences about each of the four topics below:

  1. Pick an international or world event.  Any source provided via the internet, newspaper, or television is acceptable. Write one sentence that names or states the topic. Then write at least two sentences about how you feel about the event.
  • Pick a local event that took place in your city, county, or state. Write one sentence that names or states the basic topic. Write at least two sentences about how you feel about the event or topic.
  • Pick a theory or philosophical idea. This can be derived from your own global view or from elsewhere. A philosophy is how you view the world (for example: “this glass is half-full”). Write one sentence that states the idea. Then, write at least two sentences about how you feel about the idea.
  • Pick something about yourself that you want to change. Write one sentence that states the change.  Then, write at least two sentences about how you feel about the change you want to make.

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