Ending Childhood

California has the highest child poverty rate in the country, impacting almost 2 million children.

Not only does this cost children in lack of opportunity and unmet basic needs, it costs the state $66 billion a year. We know from research that lifting children and families out of poverty is crucial to improving health, providing access to a quality education, reducing crime, and paving the way for success in life. The To Us You Matter: Civic Engagement Tour partners with 60+ organizations and GRACE End Child Poverty Institute to advance legislation to end child poverty. Get involved. Join the movement to End Child Poverty. Help create the people power to lift all our children out of the harmful impacts of poverty.

Why Ending Child Poverty is Important:

  • 1 in 5 California children live in poverty, impacting almost 2 million children
  • 450,000 children live in deep poverty (their families earn less than $12,500 per year)
  • California’s high cost of living makes the child poverty problem worse

The Martin Luther King jr Freedom Center participates in a state-wide coalition to End Childhood Poverty in California organized by GRACE, in Sacramento, CA. For more information and to learn what you can do, contact our offices, and visit www.endchildpovertyca.org