Leadership Seminars

This series of short videos represents excerpts from an ongoing tradition of bringing together a wide variety of leaders from many fields to engage in meaningful conversations with high school students from across the country about what makes good leaders and successful leadership. The sessions open with short statements from leaders about their experiences and insights about leadership follow by Q&A and dialog with students designed to go deeper into the subject. Featured leaders come from a diverse variety of fields and professions including government, policy, healthcare, Civil Rights luminaries, culture, business, faith-based organizations, law, activists, and others.
“So much of what has to drive us going forward is taking a look at our history and what our ancestors and our people have come through, how hard they fought.” –Diana Becton

Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton joined our youth and staff for an online leadership seminar to share her wisdom, experience and compassion as a member of the judiciary who leads with compassion and prioritizes health and well-being.

Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton has spent most of her professional career as a judge, lawyer, and manager. She is committed to safeguarding our communities from crimes that threaten our health, well-being, and livelihood, protecting our seniors from financial abuse, and for working on positive outcomes for our youth. DA Becton is the Immediate Past President of the National Association of Women Judges, the nation's leading voice for women in the judiciary. She currently serves as the Chair of the California State Bar Council on Access and Fairness.

A native of California, she is a product of Oakland public schools and a graduate of Golden Gate University School of Law. Most recently, she earned a Masters of Theological Studies at Pacific School of Religion in 2015.

The Freedom Center continues to turn on a dime, increasing our online classes and sessions during the shelter-in-place order. We are bringing experts from around the world with feet-on-the-ground experience in organizing, civic engagement and public service together with our youth and staff.

This is an excellent time to study the relevance and importance of transforming ourselves to make change in the world.

“So much of what has to drive us going forward is taking a look at our history and what our ancestors and our people have come through, how hard they fought.” –Diana Becton

Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton joined our youth and staff for an online leadership seminar to share her wisdom, experience and compassion as a member of the judiciary who leads with compassion and prioritizes health and well-being.

Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton has spent most of her professional career as a judge, lawyer, and manager. She is committed to safeguarding our communities from crimes that threaten our health, well-being, and livelihood, protecting our seniors from financial abuse, and for working on positive outcomes for our youth. DA Becton is the Immediate Past President of the National Association of Women Judges, the nation's leading voice for women in the judiciary. She currently serves as the Chair of the California State Bar Council on Access and Fairness.

A native of California, she is a product of Oakland public schools and a graduate of Golden Gate University School of Law. Most recently, she earned a Masters of Theological Studies at Pacific School of Religion in 2015.

The Freedom Center continues to turn on a dime, increasing our online classes and sessions during the shelter-in-place order. We are bringing experts from around the world with feet-on-the-ground experience in organizing, civic engagement and public service together with our youth and staff.

This is an excellent time to study the relevance and importance of transforming ourselves to make change in the world.

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Online Leadership Seminar with Diana Becton

Asm. Kevin McCarty - Student Leadership Seminar