Democracy Education Publications

The Democracy Education series guides learners as agents in their own transformation through active civic engagement. Classes enrich one’s character, uplifting a global, worldview consciousness. A peer-coaching methodology invites the learner to envision their respective life assignments, and promotes coaching of one another to affirm those visions creating an invigorating, supportive social setting where deep learning and change transpire.

Belonging to All The Hands That Build: Interactive Workbook for Writing Poems That Matter is the introductory workbook to the Democracy Education Series. The chapters in this workbook are designed for a chorological exploration, from a personal approach to self-discovery, to sculpting of vision for how the world ought to be. Each chapter contains an introduction, followed by a series of poems. Each poem has an assignment. A class session involves reading the introduction, then a selected poem, and then writing as prompted by the assignment. Students then read their written lines outload to the class, which is followed by peer coaching.

An additional selection of Democracy Education publications is also offered below. For more information on any of these publications, or to request copies, please complete the request for more information, below.

We hope you enjoy this compilation of cultural recipes accompanied with reflections on the connection between culture and civic activism. Youth and their families shared cultural recipes, and prepared a family meal from another culture during COVID. A creative expression of community building during “Stay in Place”.

For these and additional publications (some available digitally), please contact the Freedom Center office at 510-434-3988 or


From a Kitchen in the World House: Publication on the connection between culture, cultural recipes, and civic activism (view online)

Democracy Education: A Philosophical Approach to the Development and Analysis of a Field of Study

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: In Times of Challenge

Leadership: For a Better You, a Better Nation, and a Better World

Shattered Dreams: Nonviolence teaching on how to turn grief into an asset

Cure for Fear: Dr. King on confronting and deconstructing our fears

Constructing Peace-Filled Relations with Youth: A Parent Handbook

Democracy Education

Belonging to All the Hands that Build: Interactive Workbook for Writing Lines that Matter

Making Public Service Meaningful

Power for Personal Transformation through Social Participation: A Teacher’s Manual

Sounding Out Optimism: Youth Writings of Hope and Dedication

Circle of Equilibrium: Poems of Conscience

Coach’s Register and Handbook: Organize Students, Families, and Schools

Days of Gratitude Academy Curriculum Book

Protocol and Formality: The Workbook

Coaching Peace with Justice: Developing Transformational Relationships

Coaching for Growth and Development

Gratitude: Action and Reflection

Producing Community Events