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Small interior design studio which designs homes that surpass our clients’ expectations. Book a free consultation call

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    Дизајн на ентериер на викендица во Скопје Идејата за овој отворен простор беше да се создаде функционален простор за живеење што ќе се изгледа топло и привлечно со релаксиран, боемски шмек. Комбинацијата на природни материјали, еклектичен декор и смислено осветлување резултираа во хармонична и естетски пријатна средина. Измешавме и усогласивме различни текстури, ткаенини, природни влакна и дрво, за да додадеме длабочина и визуелен интерес низ целиот простор, и искористивме детали како плетени корпи и отворени полици за стилски решенија за складирање што придонесоа кон целокупната естетика.

    Отворен простор во викендица

    Отворен простор во викендица

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    Discover the soulful touch for your space with our unique art collection. Let your walls speak to your soul – Visit now! Разубавете ги вашите ѕидови/полици со нашата единствена уметничка колекција. Дозволете вашиот простор да зрачи УМЕТНОСТ. Sирнете го изборот на

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    Moodboard suitable for both Japanese and Scandinavian aesthetics. A neutral color scheme of white, beige, and brown, common in Japanese design + natural materials + minimalist aesthetic creates a light and airy feeling....

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    10 Reasons Why VR 360 is Revolutionary for Dekorama Interior Design Clients: 1. Step Inside Before It Exists: Experience your dream home in VR before construction even begins. 2. Unparalleled Realism: Feel textures, admire details, and envision yourself living in the space. 3. Virtual Walkthroughs: Navigate rooms, hallways, and enjoy virtual views from windows. 4. Informed Decisions: Assess functionality and flow of the space for optimal use. 5. Customization Options: Virtually try out different color palettes and design elements. 6. Limitless Possibilities: Explore various design ideas and layouts in a risk-free environment. 7. Replaces Floor Plans: Gain a more intuitive understanding of the space than traditional drawings. 8. Empowering Clients: Make confident decisions about their future living environment. 9. Increased Client Satisfaction: Provides a unique and engaging design experience. 10. Improved Communication: Bridge the gap between designer vision and client expectations. Just use the link below to access it and view it on web

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    Внатрешно уредување/визуелизација/хипер реалистични рендери приспособени на вашите потреби од m² (квадратен метар). Без разлика дали обновувате детско катче или реновирате цел кат, нашиот тим е тука да го оживее вашиот идеален простор со неверојатни хипер реалистични слики.

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    Декорама во соработка со Доместик ДООЕЛ Ви нуди ексклузивен ваучер за попуст што можете да го користите при купување на завеси, драпери, роло завеси, дрвен венецијанер, вариолајт завеси и корнизи. Овој ваучер Ви дава право на попуст од 5% на сите нивни производи (освен доколку конкретниот производ не е веќе на акција)    Еве ги деталите за Вашиот ваучер: Попуст: 5% попуст при купување на завеси, драпери, роло завеси, дрвен венецијанер, вариолајт завеси и корнизи. Начин на користење: Попустот се добива со покажување на овој купон/ваучер во продавницата на Доместик ДООЕЛ на ул. Козле 50-б 1000 Скопје, Македонија. Валидност: 31.12.2024 За да го користите Вашиот ваучер, едноставно посетете ја продавницата на Доместик и покажете го купонот во електронска или печатена форма (заедно со кодот на нарачката пример #Dekorama Nr./11386].

    Ваучер за 5% попуст во Доместик ДООЕЛ

    Ваучер за 5% попуст во Доместик ДООЕЛ

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    Advantages of Leaning Art Pieces Against the WallIntroduction Leaning art pieces against the wall, rather than hanging them, has become a popular trend in interior design. This method offers a variety of benefits, ranging from aesthetic appeal to practical convenience. This report synthesizes key points from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive overview of the advantages of leaning art pieces against the wall. Aesthetic Benefits1. Casual and Elegant Appearance Leaning art pieces can create an elegant, yet casual look. This method exudes a sense of "elegant carelessness," making the space feel more relaxed and approachable . It also adds a touch of fashionable carelessness, aligning with design schemes that aim for an "imperfectly perfect" appearance . 2. Enhanced Visual Interest Leaning art allows for layering, which adds dimension and interest to a space. By juxtaposing several pieces of art and other elements, the overall display becomes more entertaining to the eye . This method also allows for the creation of a cohesive unit by slightly overlapping each piece . 3. Flexibility in Design Leaning art pieces offer flexibility in design. You can easily move them around without the need for measuring, hammering, or requiring additional help . This flexibility allows for frequent updates to the decor, keeping the space fresh and dynamic . 4. Better Visual Angles Leaning art can sometimes place items at a better visual height or angle than hanging could achieve . This can be particularly useful for larger or heavier pieces that might be difficult to hang securely . Practical Benefits1. No Wall Damage One of the most significant advantages of leaning art is that it avoids damaging the walls. This is particularly beneficial for renters or those living in shared housing, where making permanent changes to the walls is not an option . If you make a mistake in placement, there is no need to fix holes or repaint the walls . 2. Easy to Hide Unsightly Elements Leaning art can be strategically placed to hide unsightly elements such as wall outlets, cords, or other imperfections . This can help maintain a clean and polished look in the room. 3. Safety and Stability For those concerned about the stability of leaning art, especially in homes with children, a combination of leaning and hanging can be used. Sticky tack or poster putty can also be employed to secure the art and prevent it from slipping or tipping over . 4. Versatility in Placement Leaning art is not limited to the floor; it can be placed on various surfaces such as tables, bookshelves, mantels, window sills, or even on top of furniture . This versatility allows for creative and varied displays throughout the home. Leaning art pieces against the wall offers numerous advantages, from enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a space to providing practical benefits such as avoiding wall damage and offering flexibility in design.

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