
Dear M.,

I’ve been working on a novel for a few years. It is very much about this:

It’s an embarrassing thing, to admit the attempt of a novel. But that’s not the point. I wanted you to see this film because it is really lovely. And it’s a surprise window into what I’m writing about, something that is finding the pockets I have been feeling for. Something that is keeping my fingers crossed.



Film via @Brainpicker

All My Head Can Hold

Crying babies, fish, Michael Jackson, surface-less swimming.  There is a magic and misery to this I can’t explain to myself yet.  Like, I bet whoever filmed this had a backpack on that was really heavy, and the room was hot because of the all the people…but, there are ladies swimming with fish! But fish poop, and they poop in the tank the ladies are swimming in.  But, there is moonwalking! Underwater.

Splash, Yes!

A little delightful interlude of sequins, and recommended afternoon restorative (if you drank all the rose’ and are out of eclairs) :