Remains of the Day

  • How have I never heard this Arcade Fire song? Any song where teapot whistles are used is okay by me…same for handclaps.  Am also a sucker for songs that contain generational awareness (old people, unborn kids…)
  • Please watch this clip from Spaced. I can’t embed.  If in a rush, start at 6:51 to 7:52.  A wonder.
  • Via Jezebel: “I’d rather have a rectal examination on live TV by a fellow with cold hands than have a Facebook page” — George Clooney (via Page Six)
  • Mixed among my most recent notes from watching Rear Window: “The cloud of Lisa,” “gift giving, relationships, the cigarrette box,” and “men’s pajamas, advantage of wide lapel?”
  • What is your new bikebeastlady’s name?



Odd Saints: Daisy Steiner (a la Jessica Hynes)

Dear Millicent,

As a Hulu wonder, I have discovered the Simon Pegg/Jessica Hynes vehicle Spaced.  In doing so, I think I may have found a female equivalent of Jez from Peep Show.  Here, both roommates (Pegg and Hynes) are Jez, but it is a special delight to see the female character take hold.  She is ambitious, lazy, full of self-narrative, and as rife with failure and ambiguity as the majority of the actual population.  I love Spaced.  It’s jokes aren’t as transcendent as Peep Show, but they come from the same source: a throwdown of what we are, and of  the pretensions that keep us keeping on.

Midway through this clip (it starts with their neighbor preparing to meet the transsexual love of his life) Daisy goes for an interview at a hip lady’s magazine, and implodes.  When asked how it went by her roomie, she ultimately concludes, “I was a tit.” Could this be a lady version of a dick joke gone right?  Her roommate perfectly understands. When she does finally get the rejection, she gives a full monologue of how they might have loved her, the quirky addition to the office she might be, and then reads, “It’s a no.”

On both Hulu and Youtube for your viewing pleasure.