
Millicent and Carla Fran are real dames. They met in a dame-school called life. They took a liking to each other and would call what they are a bromance if they were men. As they aren’t, there is no word for what they are. That’s the rub. They think about feminism and mascularity and log rare sightings of that endangered breed—rare as the double-breasted warblerfinch (they are not ornithologists)—the well-written female character.They also think about work. And reproductive rights. And books. And the challenges of cohabitation. And how we tell natural disasters. Also obscure Netflix movies, eugenics, BBC comedies, graphic novels, Dorothy Sayers, bathing, guns, and whatever else rears its head.

Millicent lives in Oakland and is working on a Ph.D on John Milton and neuroscience at UC Berkeley. And writes stories and novels and blog posts.

Carla Fran lives in Los Angeles and teaches nerds. She believes in polypragomasune (spectacular restless energy), and is trying to remember what it sounds like.

They both occasionally blog for Ms. Magazine, The Hairpin and The Awl.

On Twitter, they are @carlafrantastic and @millicentsomer. Millicent also blogs at An Omer Full.

Helpful Facts:

  • Once upon a time they lived in a hot wet city in the South in a house that was haunted.
  • They battled cockroaches.
  • After this, one started an online magazine.
  • Before this, one worked as a frog surgeon.
  • Neither knits.
  • Both read. A lot.
  • One helps women give birth; the other has watched.
  • Both wear wigs.
  • They write chunks of movies.
  • They know that the right kind of flower helps a room.
  • The same is true of television.
  • And sequins.
  • Or tea. And beer.
  • And you.

dame [deym] noun

1. (initial capital letter) (in Britain) a. the official title of a female member of the Order of the British Empire, equivalent to that of a knight.
b. the official title of the wife of a knight or baronet.
2. (formerly) a form of address to any woman of rank or authority.
3. a matronly woman of advanced age; matron.
4. Slang: Sometimes Offensive. a woman; female.
5. Ecclesiastical. a title of a nun in certain orders.
6. a mistress of a dame-school.
7. Archaic. the mistress of a household.
8. Archaic. a woman of rank or authority, esp. a female ruler.

[Origin: 1175–1225; ME < OF < L domina, fem. of dominus lord, master]

6 Responses to About

  1. T. Lee says:

    Is it gauche to comment on the About section of a blog? Almost akin to commenting on someone’s life story or moral character or favorite childhood breakfast cereal.

    I have to say, I just discovered your blog, and I love it. That is all.

  2. Cassandra says:

    Lili & Fran:

    We read this pots with great interest, and want to introduce you to the Migraine Research Foundation (MRF) should you ever need information or resources on migraine.
    MRF raises money to fund pioneering research grants to advance the science of migraine medicine. We also help sufferers with our Family Resource Center, an-online collection of resources designed to assist sufferers find the information and help they need in dealing with the debilitating effects of migraine disease.

    Our Medical Advisory Board is comprised of the top migraine scientists and clinicians in the country. We are dedicated to ending the debilitating pain of migraine and believe investing in research is the only way to develop better treatments, prevention, and ultimately a cure.

    We encourage you to continue to explore this disabling disease, promote the cause, and spotlight the need for increased funding. For more information, please visit us at http://www.migraineresearchfoundation.org, on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/migraineresearch, and follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/MigraineRF.


  3. Hey there! (If I’m commenting in the wrong place, I do apologise)
    I first learned of your truly amusing writing when I stumbled across this article on TheHairpin: http://thehairpin.com/2011/07/the-17th-century-breastoration-a-time-before-bras/
    A friend and I enjoyed the article so much that we looked up more of your writing, each one more chuckle-inducing than the last.
    But this comment is not just to praise you, as deserved as it may be. I recently started a blog http://mitresquaremurder.blogspot.com/ which is chiefly devoted to amusing and largely-unknown history, centered around the Victorian and Georgian eras, and I took the liberty of re-posting your article here: http://mitresquaremurder.blogspot.com/2012/05/17th-century-breastoration-extremely.html
    As I said, I’m new to blogging, so I hope I haven’t violated some law of blogger etiquette by doing this. I credited your noble self, of course, and linked to the original article, but if you’d rather I remove it, I can of course do so.
    Feel free to check out the rest of my blog, if you want, which includes such things as 19th century earthquake catfish, farting gods and prostitutes. I should also be doing an article or two about modern reproductions of civil war era photography in the next couple of days. I also have a twitter @elspethm11 but I find the character limit extremely, well, limiting, so it’s mostly vintage photography at the moment.
    Hope you’re doing well and thank you for sharing your interesting bits of history with us.

    • Lili L says:

      Hi LivingWithGhosts! Thanks for the lovely comment. So glad you’re adding to the internet’s history cache. THERE CAN NEVER BE TOO MUCH WEIRD HISTORY. Re: reposting: since the only currency blogs have is clicks, “best practices” are to quote a paragraph or at most two, and link to the rest so that the original poster gets additional clicks. (That doesn’t affect me, since those clicks go to The Hairpin and not to any of my blogs or this one which I share with Carla Fran, but it’s good to know that if you’re launching a career in bloggery.) Hope that helps. Best, L

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