We’re Millionaires!

Dear Millicent,

A quick thought for you. I just finished watching Micheal Winterbottom’s The Trip, another great showpiece of ego, struggle, modern idiocies and ancient foibles.  It stars Steve Coogan as Steve Coogan, and is about an actor eating a set of dinners with another actor.  The two men tour the north of England, eat fancy, sleep fancy, and expose about 10 profound levels of insecurity. Oh, actors. Oh, storytelling that is willing to just sit.

My question for you: is The Trip either a sequel to or retelling of Withnail and I? A love letter, perhaps? 2 actors, a vague notion of escape, good wine, and a desperate rivalry…is this Withnail and I 30 years later, no longer poor or young, but still unresolved? Still quoting poetry to the landscape?



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