Diorama of a Migraine



One Response to Diorama of a Migraine

  1. lufboro says:

    OOPs. I left comment on the wrong post… but here it is with your Wrodles:

    So many great power tools available on line! It strikes me that Wordle could be used to create a series of Wordle Puzzles. Maybe Wordzzles. Take a speech from a well known living or historic person, Wordle it, and offer it up as a puzzle. Could be simple to solve: Gettysberg Address;I Have a Dream; An Obama, a Palin, a Gingrich, a Gore. Or slighly more remote like a Dunn, a Woolf, or a quirky modern like a Sheen, a Madonna, a Family Guy. Remote, like a Milton, a Donne, a Machiavelli. Sometthing exceedingly simple to do for the puzzle section of any newspaper or magazine, or to taylor for a readership with a narrow focus. A medical magazine, a Methodist Hymn. Well you get the idea!

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