The Best of Millicent and Carla Fran

So, our “Best of” category currently republishes all the posts we like in their entirety. It’s been kind of tough to navigate, so we’re experimenting with other ways of organizing old posts. This is going to be an updating work in progress, but this post should work as a sort-of-helpful index to the site.

Here, in no particular order, are some posts we regard as decentish:

The “Sloppy Jane” or “Nu Woman” Series (the advent of the awkward female in film and television)

From Carla Fran:

From Millicent

Masculinity and Media

On Nostalgia

The INTERNET series

On Consent

The “Women’s Reproductive Health” series


Millicent’s “Selfish Women” series

Delightful Historical Flotsam


The Women on TV Series

Carla Fran on Hollywood Series

Millicent on the weird racism at the Oakland Zoo.

Carla Fran’s “Weddings” series

Millicent’s “Arcane Scholarship Applied to Contemporary Issues” series

Death and Mourning



Millicent’s “Christianity” series

The “Memory” Series

The Eugenics Series

Millicent’s Natural Disasters and How They’re Told Series

On the 2009 UC Berkeley Strike


One Response to The Best of Millicent and Carla Fran

  1. Pingback: Hola, lovers! « Millicent and Carla Fran

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