Ulster launches solar and EV infrastructure grant program for local governments

EV charging station

KINGSTON – Ulster County government has begun its Solar & Vehicle Infrastructure program, which will commit $2.5 million of the county’s American Rescue Plan Act funds to support clean energy investments by local governments. The goal is to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help mitigate climate change.

An application deadline has been extended to July 19 at the request of local governments.

The program will award up to $100,000 to municipalities for solar, EV charging infrastructure, or both, and requires a 50 percent local match – which could include federal, state and other funding.

“There has never been a more opportune time for local governments to make clean energy investments,” said County Executive Jen Metzger.

Using the funds for this program is “a crucial step toward a cleaner, more sustainable future,” said ARPA Committee Chairman Tom Corcoran.

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