The historic Rushmore Memorial Library building: 100 years old

Board members of the Woodbury Historical Society, including town historian Leslie Rose, Gatehouse Historic Site chair Joanne Calore, trustees Walter Stanfield Jr. and Robert McCue, and president Alex Prizgintas stand outside the historic Rushmore Memorial Library building in Highland Mills (photo provided)

HIGHLAND MILLS- “Some of the most historic artifacts in Orange County are our treasured homes and community buildings,” said Alex Prizgintas, president of the Woodbury Historical Society in Highland Mills, NY.  The Historical Society’s home is no exception, and it turns 100 years old this July. “Its story begins with Charles E. Rushmore for whom Mount Rushmore is named” explained Prizgintas.

Following his work as a lawyer in South Dakota, Rushmore traveled to Woodbury to tend to the health of his wife, Jeanette Carpenter.  In time, the couple settled in Highland Mills and built the Carmore Estate in 1908, known best today as the Rushmore Estate Bed & Breakfast.

During this period, Woodbury as a town had only existed for about twenty years and there was no formal library building.  Starting in 1923, the Rushmores sought to change this and enlisted the skills of noted local contractor Charles Gregory.  The modern concrete building with stone walls and a Spanish-tiled roof was said to cost a total of around $6,200—equal to a little more than $111,000 today.  In July 1924, the structure was open as a private library operated by a board of trustees and manned with volunteers. Following Mr. Rushmore’s passing in 1931, the branch was officially designated as the “Rushmore Memorial Library”—serving the community for more than 50 years.

In 1985, the present day library and senior center was built in Highland Mills and the old library structure entered its next chapter:  the home of the town historian and the Woodbury Historical Society.  Since then, its mission continues to encourage the preservation of local history in the town of Woodbury.

The Woodbury Historical Society invites the public to tour the Rushmore Memorial Library building for its 100th birthday on Saturday, July 27, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Located at 543 Route 32 in Highland Mills, the historical society will showcase artifacts relevant to the Rushmore Family, Rushmore Estate, and the library’s history.  Other exhibits on Woodbury’s history will also be available as will the society’s full archive and dedicated volunteers.

Light food and refreshments will be served outdoors, and visitors may park either at the historical society or the post office next door.

For more information, please call 845-928-6770 or email

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