Fishkill police chief tenders resignation after four years

Police Chief Keith Dworkin and his bride, Mary, after he was sworn in as Millbrook Police Chief in May 2024. MHNN file photo

TOWN OF FISHKILL – Town Police Chief Keith Dworkin submitted his resignation on Friday afternoon.  The chief told Mid-Hudson News that his resignation is effective July 19, 2024.  Dworkin was a lieutenant with the department when he was appointed chief in 2020.

Dworkin has lived in Fishkill and the surrounding area all of his life and began his career as a police officer with the Town of East Fishkill in 1991.  He has enjoyed a 33-year career in law enforcement with tenure in several departments and became an officer in Fishkill in 2013.  He retired from the New Castle Police Department in 2014.  When he was named chief in Fishkill, he insisted he was not ready for a full retirement because of a “genuine love of the job.”

Chief Dworkin and Town Supervisor Ozzy Albra have been at odds over policy and personality issues for most of Dworkin’s time leading the department.  They have argued over the purchase of a UTV, a police commissioner, and several other issues.

“I’ve been in Fishkill most of my life,” Dworkin said on Friday.  “It’s a great department and the relationships I have with the residents of the community are second to none.  It was not a decision I made hastily and it certainly wasn’t an easy one to make.”

In May of this year, Dworkin was appointed part-time chief of the Millbrook Police Department, where he officially began on June 1.

Town Supervisor Albra declined to comment on the resignation other than saying, “This evening, after business hours, I received an email which contained the signed resignation letter of Police Chief Dworkin.”

Town Councilman Brian Wrye weighed in late Friday night. “Chief Dworkin is one of the most professional, conscientious, dedicated individuals with whom I have ever worked. The calls I am getting from all over town echo that sentiment. He will be hard to replace.”

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