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Un Film Comme Les Autres

Friday July 26
Director: Jean-Luc Godard
1968 / 107min / DCP

Godard’s farewell—temporary, as it happened—to working as an individual director before submerging himself into the hivemind of the Dziga Vertov Group, the provocative, fearless, frustrating diptych work Un film comme les autres is wildly inventive (or deliberately aggressive and challenging, depending on one’s point of view) in its use of sound, image, and structure, repeating each of its sequences twice. Comprised of footage of students and workers conversing outside striking factories, about the aims of the ’68 uprising, Godard’s glorious provocation is more spoken about than seen since the New York Film Festival premiere reportedly sparked a legendary furor in the audience.

Part of Under the Pavement, the Beach

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