Woman eaten alive by python
The python was found with a huge stomach (Picture: Viral Press)

Searchers looking for a missing woman in Indonesia were horrified when she was found eaten alive by a giant snake.

Mum-of-four Farida, who’s surname hasn’t been made public, disappeared while walking to her local market in Kalempang, Indonesia, on Thursday.

Her husband Noni raised the alarm when she didn’t return home that evening, launching a search party alongside other locals.

The party found a 20ft long python in the undergrowth on Friday with a huge bulge in its stomach – and fearing the worst, they cut through the reptile’s stomach with a machete.

Farida was found in the snake’s gut. It appeared the python had bitten her leg before coiling around her, suffocating her before it swallowed her head first.

Graphic pictures and video show Farida’s body as she was removed from the snake’s stomach and taken to be prepared for a religious burial. We have chosen not to publish the video, but have included blurred photos below.

This is the horrifying moment a missing woman was found eaten alive by a giant python - before locals cut her out of the snake's belly. Mother-of-four Farida, 50, disappeared while she was walking through woodland to sell food at a local market near her home in the village of Kalempang, Indonesia, on June 6. The killed python plunged its teeth into her leg as it coiled around her body and suffocated her before swallowing her head first. Farida's husband became worried she had not returned home by nighttime and alerted other locals who began searching. They found a mammoth 20ft long python sprawled out in undergrowth the next day, with a large bulge in its stomach.
Husband Noni feared his wife had been eaten as soon as he saw the snake (Picture: Viral Press)
This is the horrifying moment a missing woman was found eaten alive by a giant python - before locals cut her out of the snake's belly. Mother-of-four Farida, 50, disappeared while she was walking through woodland to sell food at a local market near her home in the village of Kalempang, Indonesia, on June 6. The killed python plunged its teeth into her leg as it coiled around her body and suffocated her before swallowing her head first. Farida's husband became worried she had not returned home by nighttime and alerted other locals who began searching. They found a mammoth 20ft long python sprawled out in undergrowth the next day, with a large bulge in its stomach.
Farida was suffocated before being swallowed by the reptile (Picture: Viral Press)
This is the horrifying moment a missing woman was found eaten alive by a giant python - before locals cut her out of the snake's belly. Mother-of-four Farida, 50, disappeared while she was walking through woodland to sell food at a local market near her home in the village of Kalempang, Indonesia, on June 6. The killed python plunged its teeth into her leg as it coiled around her body and suffocated her before swallowing her head first. Farida's husband became worried she had not returned home by nighttime and alerted other locals who began searching. They found a mammoth 20ft long python sprawled out in undergrowth the next day, with a large bulge in its stomach.
Her body was cut out of the snake’s belly (Picture: Viral Press)

Noni said: ‘I am forever sorry that I let my wife go out alone. If I had been with her that day, the snake would not have dared to touch her.

‘I feel sorry for the suffering she went through. I am sorry for our family.’

Suardi Rosi, head of their home village, said: ‘The victim’s husband looked for his wife in the nearby forest area because she had not been home for a day.

‘He found a snake with a large stomach. He immediately suspected that his wife had been eaten by the python.

‘Several other villages then helped him to catch the python. The body of his wife was found in the stomach of a snake. She was taken away to his house before being buried.

‘This has not happened before in our village. We have warned everybody to be careful when they walk through the woods. Women should be accompanied by someone.’

Indonesia has a large population of wild pythons in its vast and dense jungle, where they can thrive. Unlike in neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia, urban developments have not limited their growth.

The last documented case of a human being eaten by a python was in 2022, also in Indonesia.

In that case, Jahrah, 54, disappeared while collecting rubber from a plantation in Jambi province before horrified locals found a giant python stretched out in a clearing among trees with a large bulge in its tummy two days later on October 23.

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