“My work focuses on understanding our home in the galaxy by striving to unravel the nature and structure of the heliosphere.”

3D model heliosphere

Prof. Merav Opher is a Professor in the Astronomy Department at Boston University. Recently she was awarded the Radcliffe Fellowship 2021-2022 from Harvard Radcliffe Institute. Opher been honored to receive numerous awards. Among them, the PECASE (Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, 2008); as well as the NSF Young Investigator CAREER Award (2008). She was recently awarded, as a Principal Investigator, one of the largest NASA Science Centers called SHIELD. SHIELD is a multi -instititional effort with more than 40 leading scientists across a dozen institutions that it’s goal is to develop a new predictive global model for the heliosphere. She is actively involved in several Society Leadership and Community Service being currently the Editor of Geophysical Research Letters. She was the Chair-Elect of the APS Topical Group in Plasma Astrophysics; member of the Decadal Survey in Space Physics of Solar and Heliospheric Panel and the last three NASA Heliophysics Mission Senior Review Panels.

Merav Opher Teaching

Short Film By: Boston University Today
Where I’m Coming from – Merav Opher
Run time 4mins

“I think very differently, and it’s hard to find people in space physics that are dreamers… I like pushing the envelope, but by pushing the envelope you’re poking at science…”
