My 2020 Checklist

Dr. Jill Biden
3 min readJan 11, 2020


When I met Joe, all those years ago, I never could have imagined our amazing journey. Some mornings, I wake up in a hotel room in a small town somewhere in Iowa, South Carolina, New Hampshire, or Nevada, and I think to myself, Is my husband really running for President? And yet, as I meet people on the trail, as I hear their stories, and as we talk about Joe’s plan for our country, I know it’s exactly where we’re supposed to be.

People often ask me if it’s hard.

The answer is yes — but every day is worth it. It is hard to keep up with my students or make sure I’m getting to the grandkids’ soccer games when I’m on the road every week. I don’t know anyone who loves living out of a suitcase. And, I miss my dogs!

Luckily, as a teacher, a mom, and as my grandkids’ nana, I’ve learned to multi-task over the years. And here’s my secret: lists.

Lists help me stay focused. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, or when I forget which state I’m waking up in, I turn to my list — and suddenly, my life is broken down into manageable tasks. It helps me find order in this busy time.

So, while I don’t really make resolutions, I’ve already started my list.

To-Do in January

  • Keep up my running — it grounds me.
  • Pick up more food for Champ and Major, including extra treats so they don’t miss me when I’m gone, which will be most of the month.
  • Beat my high score on my crossword puzzle app. It’s my go-to on long flights and car rides.
  • Finish reading Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson and find my next book. Suggestions, anyone?
  • Call my sisters on our late father’s birthday (December 21) — we love to share stories about him on that day!
  • Make sure our grandkids’ game days, graduations, and other special days are on my calendar. We won’t be able to make every event, but at least we can call.
  • Figure out how to resist french fries on the road — they’re my guilty pleasure.
  • Carve out a half hour each day just for me. It’s easy to prioritize everyone else in our lives, but as they say, you’ve got to put on your own oxygen mask first.
  • Buy more wine for all the friends who come by to check on the house while I’m gone or bring dinner when I’m home. It takes a village!
  • Do everything I can to help Joe win Iowa!

None of us can do it all by ourselves. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that leaning on our community is sometimes the only way to make it to the finish line.

Traveling this much isn’t easy — but working your way through school, taking care of both your parents and your kids, or starting a new business is harder. Life is complicated, and we all have to find balance!

So to all the moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas; to the people juggling multiple jobs or taking care of the people they love; to the entrepreneurs and mentors; to the community leaders, CEOs, and stay-at-home parents; and to all the other busy people out there: keep up the good work.

I wish you manageable tasks, pride in your accomplishments — no matter how big or small they are — and a balanced 2020.

Happy New Year!



Dr. Jill Biden

Military mother and grandmother, a lifelong educator, and Second Lady of the United States, 2009–2017.