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Department of Pathology William Barriss McAllister, Jr., Memorial Lecture with Cristina Antonescu, MD

June 04, 2024
  • 00:00Good afternoon.
  • 00:03This year's McAllister Award recipient
  • 00:07is Doctor Christina Antonescu. Dr.
  • 00:11Antonescu is a renowned bone and soft
  • 00:15tissue pathologist from Memorial
  • 00:18Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where
  • 00:21she's the director of the Bone and
  • 00:24soft tissue subspeciality and also
  • 00:27Co Director of the Sarcoma Center.
  • 00:31Doctor Antonescu completed her
  • 00:33MD from Bucharest, Romania where
  • 00:37she began a pathology residency,
  • 00:40but she completed it in 1996 at
  • 00:44Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
  • 00:48After that, she went on to do a
  • 00:52three-year fellowship at Memorial
  • 00:54Zone Kettering Cancer Center,
  • 00:56doing the first two years in general
  • 01:01oncologic surgical pathology and the
  • 01:04third year as a special Research fellow
  • 01:07in born and Soft Tissue Pathology.
  • 01:10And then she stayed on to become an
  • 01:15attending at the same center at the bottom.
  • 01:21Dr.
  • 01:21Antonescu is a consummate surgical
  • 01:25pathologist and she went on to build
  • 01:28her scientific research on an excellent
  • 01:32foundation of morphology to become
  • 01:35a well funded clinician scientist.
  • 01:39She's published more than 450 original
  • 01:44articles, 24 review articles,
  • 01:47written nearly forty book chapters,
  • 01:51and co-authored 4 books.
  • 01:53She's a She's made significant
  • 01:56contribution to The Who Blue Book series,
  • 02:00The Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
  • 02:02for more than 20 years,
  • 02:04starting starting when when she
  • 02:07was a junior attending.
  • 02:10She's many awards and honors to her credit,
  • 02:15starting from her training days,
  • 02:18but I'll mention only two of those,
  • 02:21the Ramsay Cortrans Young Investigator
  • 02:24Award at given at US CAP in 2012 and
  • 02:29the Maude Abbott Lecture in 2022.
  • 02:35Doctor Antonesca has dedicated her work
  • 02:38to the discovery of unique molecular
  • 02:41signatures to help in defining,
  • 02:43redefining and reclassifying sarcomas,
  • 02:46and a brief list includes reporting
  • 02:51the CHOP gene fusions and liposarcomas
  • 02:54early on in her career.
  • 02:57Expanding on EWSR 1 fusion partners
  • 03:01in various soft tissue tumors,
  • 03:05defining B core family of round cell
  • 03:08tumors and sick fusion sarcomas and
  • 03:12more recently in epithelioid hemangio
  • 03:16endotheliomas defining the CAMPTOR 1
  • 03:19fusion and the YAP 1 TFE 3 gene fusions.
  • 03:24Even more recently,
  • 03:25she's defined the genomic landscape
  • 03:29of post radiation angiosarcomas
  • 03:32and has laid down the criteria for
  • 03:36grading primary breast angiosarcomas.
  • 03:40In short,
  • 03:41Doctor Antonesco's work touches
  • 03:43on almost every sub speciality,
  • 03:47and she is indeed a futuristic model
  • 03:51of a general surgical pathologist.
  • 04:03Thank you, Manju. Oops. Sorry.
  • 04:09Thank you, Manju.
  • 04:09Thank you. The committee.
  • 04:10Are you hearing me well or?
  • 04:12It's a bit? Yeah. OK.
  • 04:17It's a great honor to be here,
  • 04:21to be back in this amphitheater
  • 04:23and to give the McAllister
  • 04:25lecture and awards.
  • 04:30Mind you, you, you know, overdid it.
  • 04:32You, you guys treated me as royalty today.
  • 04:35So I'm I'm very grateful and
  • 04:38thankful so we can we can start
  • 04:42since we have a diverse audience here.
  • 04:46I will start with a very,
  • 04:47very brief introduction of the
  • 04:50sarcoma field where as you've
  • 04:53heard I spend most of my efforts
  • 04:56clinical and research energy.
  • 04:59Sarcomas pose certain challenges
  • 05:02as you as you know they are rare.
  • 05:06They have a wide morphologic spectrums
  • 05:09with more than 100 tumor types.
  • 05:12The research level there is also
  • 05:15limited number of cell models,
  • 05:18both in vitro models and and mouse models.
  • 05:23And what's very important is that
  • 05:25you know at the clinical level that
  • 05:28there is a still a huge gap between
  • 05:31the advances that we've made in the
  • 05:34pathogenesis of sarcomas and the
  • 05:37available drugs and therapies out there
  • 05:40that our colleagues medical oncologist
  • 05:43can provide to the sarcoma patients.
  • 05:47So in order to simplify our understanding and
  • 05:50give a perspective to their pathogenesis,
  • 05:53sarcomas can be defined divided
  • 05:56in two main categories based on
  • 06:00simple versus complex genomics.
  • 06:02The first category are sarcomas that are
  • 06:05driven by a single specific alterations,
  • 06:07either a fusion or a activating
  • 06:11mutation such as kitting GIST and
  • 06:14these tumors have historically being
  • 06:17diagnosed at the molecular level
  • 06:19by a single assay molecular test.
  • 06:23The second category is is represented
  • 06:28by sarcomas with complex genomics,
  • 06:31typically mutations in tumor suppressor
  • 06:34genes or copy number alterations.
  • 06:37And in this category,
  • 06:38we have most of the adults 5 sarcomas
  • 06:41such as UPS, mix of fibrosarcoma,
  • 06:44liomal sarcoma support and these tumors
  • 06:48can be best approached by an NGS tool.
  • 06:55The impact of molecular discoveries to
  • 06:57the sarcoma field have been remarkable,
  • 07:00especially at the diagnosis
  • 07:03and classification area,
  • 07:05and mainly because it allowed us to have
  • 07:09a more objective interpretation as well
  • 07:13as empowering surgical pathologists that
  • 07:16do not have a special sarcoma expertise.
  • 07:20It also allowed us some of our
  • 07:23objective diagnosis when the material
  • 07:26was very scant or suboptimal.
  • 07:30As we became more and more aware of
  • 07:34the genomic complexity of sarcomas,
  • 07:37as well as due to the continuous
  • 07:40decrease in sequence sequencing costs,
  • 07:45we have witnessed for the past decade
  • 07:49a significant platform shift from a
  • 07:52single gene assay to a targeted NGS panel.
  • 07:57Almost obsolete these days are RTPCR
  • 08:02tests for fusion detection or DNAPCR
  • 08:06tests for a single activating mutation.
  • 08:09Even FISH assay that interrogates
  • 08:12only one gene rearrangement at the
  • 08:15time is not as popular as before and
  • 08:17the main reasons being that it has
  • 08:20low resolution and cannot be cannot
  • 08:22pick up certain translocation such
  • 08:25as cryptic or intrachromosomal that
  • 08:27will go over in more detail later.
  • 08:30There also also limited number of
  • 08:33FISH probes available commercially
  • 08:35that can be used.
  • 08:36And even if we have a positive
  • 08:40FISH result due to the significant
  • 08:43gene promiscuity that we we know,
  • 08:46especially in the EWS gene family of tumors,
  • 08:49we may not necessarily know what
  • 08:52the accurate diagnosis is.
  • 08:54And lastly,
  • 08:55even in the assets like array,
  • 08:58CGH or SNIP array,
  • 09:00they are not not necessary anymore
  • 09:03since most of the copy number
  • 09:06alterations results can be obtained
  • 09:09from an Ng targeted NGS panel.
  • 09:13This diagram just gives you a glimpse
  • 09:17of the current complexity of sarcomas
  • 09:20that are driven by EWS or FUS gene
  • 09:25fusions and you can imagine EWS
  • 09:28positive FISH may definitely not tell
  • 09:32the whole story and the diagnosis.
  • 09:36In particular for small blue
  • 09:38round cell tumors,
  • 09:39which is the panel in the
  • 09:41center with the black boxes,
  • 09:42it is not unusual for for a case to
  • 09:48be tested by 4 to 5 FISH probes before
  • 09:51we arrive to the correct diagnosis.
  • 09:54And that's not saving us any
  • 09:57time or any costs.
  • 09:59So the most widely applied targeted RNA
  • 10:04sequencing is Archer and I understand
  • 10:07that's what you're using here as well.
  • 10:10And in our department,
  • 10:12we use a panel of 123 genes that are
  • 10:17commonly involved in in sarcomas as well.
  • 10:19Archer is a anchor Multiplex PCR that
  • 10:23uses a one side nested primers and is
  • 10:28able to detect agnostically a gene
  • 10:31rearrangement by targeting a gene
  • 10:34that is commonly involved in the fusion.
  • 10:37It requires 7 to 10 on stain slides and
  • 10:40the results are out in about a week.
  • 10:46For the targeted DNA based NGS,
  • 10:51most platforms out there
  • 10:53include about 500 cancer genes.
  • 10:56They have high coverage in our
  • 10:59hospital more than 700 range and
  • 11:02the the report of the targeted
  • 11:05NGS will provide information on a
  • 11:08number of things including single
  • 11:11nucleotide variants and intra
  • 11:14genic alterations as well as arm
  • 11:18level copy number changes which are
  • 11:21deletions or amplifications and a
  • 11:23very limited number of gene fusions
  • 11:26such as EWS and and track fusions.
  • 11:29It's required more materials such as
  • 11:3210 to 20 unstained slides depending
  • 11:34on the size of the tissue and the
  • 11:37estimated turn around time is about a month.
  • 11:42So this is what we use at MSK.
  • 11:45Is this in house targeted NGS panel?
  • 11:48We call it MSK impact.
  • 11:51And this particular platform requires
  • 11:55both tumor and germline normal DNA
  • 11:59and therefore a patient consent is
  • 12:02required as part of a protocol and
  • 12:05can be activated only by medical
  • 12:08oncologist and not by pathologist.
  • 12:11Briefly,
  • 12:11the tumor and the normal DNA is
  • 12:15being pulled together with the
  • 12:18Multiplex cup captures of the bio
  • 12:21biotelated probes and then it's being
  • 12:25sequenced and provided 100 base pair
  • 12:30paired and fragments and then these
  • 12:34are runs through an OPPO KB pipeline
  • 12:37and a report is being generated.
  • 12:42In contrast, most of the targeted NGS
  • 12:45panels that are commercially available or
  • 12:49that are running other academic places,
  • 12:53they require only tumor DNA and because
  • 12:57of that those reports may not be able
  • 12:59to tell you the difference between
  • 13:02a germline and a somatic mutation.
  • 13:05So that's the major difference
  • 13:07between the two platforms.
  • 13:11So why am I giving this talk
  • 13:15to you now and the reason,
  • 13:18the main reason being that more than 10
  • 13:21years have passed since we at Memorial
  • 13:24have been using a systematically
  • 13:26NGS in our clinical practice.
  • 13:28So a lot of time has a lot of data
  • 13:31has accumulated and analyzed in
  • 13:34different projects and studies.
  • 13:36As you will see.
  • 13:38It also gives me an opportunity to
  • 13:42discuss the contributions for NGS
  • 13:45in diagnosis and classification
  • 13:47and to highlight the the pros of
  • 13:51of this method in contrast with
  • 13:54FISH or PCR or so forth.
  • 13:57And I would also like to give
  • 13:59you some examples to make the
  • 14:02case that there are additional
  • 14:04applications to NGS besides diagnosis.
  • 14:06So for this talk,
  • 14:09I will try to cover five different topics
  • 14:13including with the impact on diagnosis,
  • 14:16impact on survival,
  • 14:19targeted therapy,
  • 14:20risk stratification and at the end,
  • 14:22if we have time also to give you
  • 14:26an example how NGS can be used in
  • 14:29the genomic sub classification
  • 14:31of molecularly complex sarcomas.
  • 14:33So we can start with the obvious,
  • 14:36the use of NGS in routine diagnosis.
  • 14:39And here I will first discuss the
  • 14:43NGS increased diagnostic accuracy
  • 14:46in undifferentiated tumors,
  • 14:47mainly where the the morphology and
  • 14:51immunostoc chemistry has failed to
  • 14:54provide a more specific characterization.
  • 14:56And then a few examples of the NGS
  • 15:00increased sensitivity of detection
  • 15:02if you we compare it to other
  • 15:05lower resolution methods.
  • 15:08So in order to give some examples of
  • 15:12the NGS increased diagnostic accuracy,
  • 15:14I selected few examples that I
  • 15:17believe there are a little bit
  • 15:20more often pitfalls in our soft
  • 15:24tissue sarcoma practice.
  • 15:26And I will start with an example
  • 15:29of undifferentiated leomorphic
  • 15:31sarcoma of the extremity.
  • 15:33And this is how the morphology of
  • 15:36the resection specimen look like
  • 15:38had had different components.
  • 15:40This was a 34 year old man with the
  • 15:4311 CM tumor of the thigh and you
  • 15:46can see on the lower panel very
  • 15:49leomorphic spindle bizarre cells.
  • 15:52The tumor also has some ossification
  • 15:55and the upper panel if you can
  • 15:57appreciate they were had a completely
  • 16:00different morphology with mononuclear
  • 16:02cells and osteoclastive giant cells.
  • 16:04So our interpretation on this case
  • 16:06is that was most likely a Sarcomatus
  • 16:09transformation in a tenosynovial
  • 16:12giant cell tumor.
  • 16:13However,
  • 16:14the patient developed lung meds
  • 16:16and the local recurrence.
  • 16:17So he behaved in a very aggressive
  • 16:20fashion and as it happens to all
  • 16:23these recurrent metastatic cases that
  • 16:25the tumor are being tested by MSK impact.
  • 16:28And to our surprise,
  • 16:30the results showed a very high level
  • 16:33of amplification of MDM two and CDK 4,
  • 16:36so that raising the possibility of
  • 16:39a day differentiated liposarcoma.
  • 16:40Of course we did the immunos based
  • 16:43on this result which showed strong
  • 16:46nuclear positivity for both markers.
  • 16:48And of course we went back to the
  • 16:51specimen and we tried to find
  • 16:54any areas of well differentiated
  • 16:56liposarcoma and indeed we did in
  • 16:59probably in in retrospect these were
  • 17:03interpreted as as normal fat which
  • 17:06is being infiltrated by the tumor.
  • 17:08The second example is one that refers
  • 17:12and relates to round cell sarcomas.
  • 17:15A few years back we we did this small
  • 17:18study with Doctor Argani from Hopkins.
  • 17:21He had a couple of cases of round
  • 17:24cell sarcomas of the kidney in young
  • 17:27adults that were CD 34 negative,
  • 17:29B core strongly positive.
  • 17:32And the leading diagnosis for
  • 17:34for these tumors was a clear
  • 17:37cell sarcoma of the kidney.
  • 17:39And to our surprise,
  • 17:41when we did the RNA sequencing on
  • 17:44these cases and NAP to STAT 6 fusion
  • 17:46was discovered in keeping with the
  • 17:49malignant solitary fibrous tumor which
  • 17:52triggered of course an immuno stain
  • 17:55which showed 4 plus STAT 6 positivity.
  • 17:59We were truly puzzled of the B
  • 18:01core of our expression of these
  • 18:04malignant SFTS in the kidney.
  • 18:06And we look back at the RNA sig data
  • 18:09which showed indeed I don't know
  • 18:11if you see on that panel very high
  • 18:14expression or B core at MIRMRNA level,
  • 18:17suggesting that what we see
  • 18:20on immunostochemistry,
  • 18:21it's not some kind of background
  • 18:24false positive result.
  • 18:25We then expanded the study with
  • 18:28other non renal SFT and indeed
  • 18:31the majority of malignant SFT
  • 18:33also Co expressed B core that may
  • 18:37represent the pitfall in diagnosis.
  • 18:40And the last example I want to briefly
  • 18:43go over is the NGS contribution to
  • 18:46undifferentiated sarcomatoidiaeoplasm.
  • 18:47So this was a tough case.
  • 18:52This was a 70 year old man
  • 18:54with the arms of tissue mask.
  • 18:56It looked like this blue
  • 18:58vesicular monomorphic.
  • 18:59Our leading diagnosis was
  • 19:01a high grade and PNSD.
  • 19:03However,
  • 19:04the immuno profile was not supportive
  • 19:07S100 Sox the negative and the
  • 19:10H3K27 trimethyl was retained.
  • 19:12He had a very high proliferation rate,
  • 19:15which is kind of unusual for sarcomas,
  • 19:18so close to 90% and the Archer
  • 19:21was negative for fusions.
  • 19:23So then the patient next year
  • 19:26developed a small bowel metastasis,
  • 19:28which once again is quite unusual
  • 19:30for sarcomas to go in the bowel.
  • 19:33We've seen it of course,
  • 19:34but and then we of course ran the
  • 19:37impact and the impact show the high
  • 19:40tumor mutation burden of 20 mutations
  • 19:44And then of course the diagnostic piece,
  • 19:47the B RAF V 600 E mutation as well as
  • 19:51the GA and CT transition mutations that
  • 19:54were consistent with the UV signature.
  • 19:57So the diagnosis of the differentiated
  • 20:01spindle cell Melanoma was rendered.
  • 20:04The patient was treated successfully
  • 20:06with the immune checkpoint inhibitors.
  • 20:09And he's still alive 2023 with the
  • 20:12liver meth and and then we had the
  • 20:15opportunity to run the immunosochemistry
  • 20:17for B RAF which was diffusely positive.
  • 20:20So moving on to the next topic,
  • 20:25the increased sensitivity of detection of
  • 20:29NGS compared to other molecular methods.
  • 20:33And here I think 1 good example are
  • 20:38tumors that are driven by a wide
  • 20:41spectrum of alteration in one gene,
  • 20:44such as the loss of function mutation
  • 20:47in smart B1, which can be deletions,
  • 20:51mutations, arm level deletions,
  • 20:53translocation and so forth.
  • 20:54And you can imagine such a spectrum
  • 20:58of alterations can be picked up
  • 21:00mainly by NGS and not by other
  • 21:03low resolution studies.
  • 21:05So few years ago we we looked specifically
  • 21:09at the spectrum of mutations alterations
  • 21:12in smart P1 deficient sarcoma.
  • 21:15As it is, as you probably know,
  • 21:17it's a growing family of
  • 21:19bonus of tissue tumors.
  • 21:21And our main question was,
  • 21:23can can we tell if the type of genetic
  • 21:28alteration may correlate with Histology,
  • 21:31with the histotype So included 78 such
  • 21:37cases including epithelial sarcoma,
  • 21:40rhabdoid tumors, epithelial and
  • 21:43PNSD pro differentiated cordoma,
  • 21:45all of them being I and I-1 deficient.
  • 21:49And we studied them all with
  • 21:51NGS as well as FISH.
  • 21:54So the short answer to
  • 21:55our question it was no,
  • 21:57there was no correlation between alter
  • 22:00genetic alteration and Histology.
  • 22:02Most Histology showed large homozygous
  • 22:05deletion of SMART B1 and about
  • 22:091/3 showed introgenic alterations.
  • 22:11So I'm trying to,
  • 22:12you know,
  • 22:13hear that obviously would never
  • 22:16be picked up by FISH assays.
  • 22:19We then wanted to look more
  • 22:22into this and and see if the
  • 22:25extent of the deletion at 22 Q,
  • 22:27the locus of I91 may correlate
  • 22:31with histotype.
  • 22:31And although there was no
  • 22:34black and white answer,
  • 22:35it became clear that some
  • 22:38histologies like epithelial
  • 22:39sarcomas have smaller deletions
  • 22:42mostly centered on SMART B1,
  • 22:45while tumors like a poor
  • 22:47differentiated cordoma here in
  • 22:49yellow have larger deletions
  • 22:51showing code deletions of other
  • 22:53gene on both sides of SMART V1.
  • 22:58OK, moving on to a different example
  • 23:02to show the NGS increase sensitivity
  • 23:06detection in a certain translocation
  • 23:10and the there are two examples
  • 23:12here that I would I would like to
  • 23:14share with you the unbalanced or
  • 23:16cryptic translocation as well as
  • 23:19intrachromosomal translocation.
  • 23:20And by far the best example of
  • 23:23cryptic translocation is the EWS
  • 23:25Org fusion which is the second most
  • 23:28common alteration in Ewing sarcoma.
  • 23:31And the reason that this results in
  • 23:34a cryptic alteration is because EWS
  • 23:36and Org show opposite directions
  • 23:38of transcription.
  • 23:40So in order to form a functional fusion,
  • 23:43they needs to invert.
  • 23:45And in order to invert,
  • 23:46they usually lose genetic material that
  • 23:50cannot then be picked up by fish resolution.
  • 23:54So the idea here is that if you
  • 23:56have a case that looks like Ewings,
  • 23:58stained like Ewings and EWS,
  • 24:01fish is negative,
  • 24:02which actually can be negative
  • 24:04in 50% of these cases, right?
  • 24:06The next step would be for you to
  • 24:09do the Archer and GS panel talking
  • 24:14about intracromosomal fusions
  • 24:16that also can be not can.
  • 24:21Fish cannot be reliable for
  • 24:23detection and here one very good
  • 24:26example are the N track 1 fusions.
  • 24:29Most of these fusions are intracromosomal,
  • 24:32either deletion such as INTRAC 1
  • 24:36LMNA which is by far the most common,
  • 24:39as well as inversions,
  • 24:41either TPM three or TPR.
  • 24:44Here on the left side,
  • 24:45the diagram shows one of these
  • 24:48inversions of these two genes
  • 24:50that are truly nearby on one Q.
  • 24:54So once again,
  • 24:56in order to have a functional fusion,
  • 24:58you have to have inversion and
  • 25:01that cannot be picked up by fish.
  • 25:04Just briefly mentioning the anthrax
  • 25:07fusion positive spindle cell
  • 25:09tumor is a relatively new entity
  • 25:12emerging in AWHO classification.
  • 25:14It's composed of these monomorphic
  • 25:17spindle cells or patternless
  • 25:20pattern and very characteristic.
  • 25:22There are these stromal collagen bands
  • 25:26and very vascular rings which are,
  • 25:30you know, highly,
  • 25:32highly suspicious of this entity.
  • 25:35And another clue to the diagnosis is
  • 25:38the Co expression of S100 and CD34.
  • 25:42Pan and track is helpful.
  • 25:45Of course, it's sensitive,
  • 25:46but far from being specific.
  • 25:48So this diagnosis has a very
  • 25:53important impact on therapy.
  • 25:56So in our opinion that when
  • 25:58you have a case like this,
  • 25:59a molecular confirmation is truly required.
  • 26:05OK. And the last example here,
  • 26:08the increased sensitivity in alterations,
  • 26:11in unusual gene alterations.
  • 26:12And here I thought a good example maybe
  • 26:16B core internal tandem duplication.
  • 26:18So what are what is the B core ITD?
  • 26:21Are these Reds small strips of
  • 26:27of DNA illustrated here in red.
  • 26:31They're duplicated at the last at
  • 26:34the portion of elastic B core exon,
  • 26:38which somehow up regulate B core expression.
  • 26:43B core ITD are the driver of about 40%
  • 26:47of round cells sarcomas in infants.
  • 26:50So this is very important to to remember
  • 26:54as well as most tumors of the primitive
  • 26:58mixed with mesenchymal tumor of infancy.
  • 27:01However, the B core ITD have later
  • 27:04on show to you know to be present
  • 27:07in other undifferentiated sarcomas.
  • 27:09It's something that you should be familiar
  • 27:12and aware of regardless of your specialty.
  • 27:15So these are pretty much in 90% of
  • 27:19clear cells sarcoma of the kidney,
  • 27:21the CNS peanuts with B core ITD as well
  • 27:25as and these are not pediatric cases,
  • 27:27some high grade endometrial stromosarcoma
  • 27:30as we have noted some shared histologic
  • 27:35features among all these members.
  • 27:38They are not perfect but clearly some
  • 27:41shared features as well as diffuse
  • 27:43up regulation of B core both at RNA
  • 27:46level as well as protein level,
  • 27:49which can be used again for diagnosis.
  • 27:53However, as we saw,
  • 27:54SFTS can show as high level.
  • 27:57So for this diagnosis,
  • 28:01NGS again is the gold standard.
  • 28:05Moving on to the second big topic to
  • 28:08discuss the impact of NGS on survival.
  • 28:12So here we'll talk about the driver
  • 28:15gene alteration impact as well as
  • 28:17the global landscape beyond the
  • 28:21driver alteration.
  • 28:22So for the driver gene alteration,
  • 28:26I picked two different
  • 28:28example in Rhabdomyo sarcoma,
  • 28:30MYO D1 mutation and Dicer 1 alteration.
  • 28:33And then we'll give some examples
  • 28:36of fusions in round cells.
  • 28:39So let's start with MYO D1.
  • 28:42You may know that MYO D1 mutation
  • 28:44defines a very specific and
  • 28:47aggressive type of Rhabdoma sarcoma,
  • 28:50spindle and sclerosing Rhabdoma sarcoma,
  • 28:53which is included now a standalone
  • 28:57entity from embryoner Rhabdoma
  • 28:59sarcoma and The Who classification.
  • 29:02And why is that?
  • 29:03Because it has distinct morphology
  • 29:06can either be spindle or more common
  • 29:08is composed of these uniform round
  • 29:11to avoid cells that are separated
  • 29:14by this sclerosing stroma.
  • 29:16Also importantly, as I mentioned,
  • 29:20they have a very aggressive outcome even
  • 29:23worse than alveolar abdominal sarcoma.
  • 29:25In our study they showed an 18%
  • 29:28four year survival.
  • 29:29They typically are occurring older
  • 29:32children and young adults and more often
  • 29:35in the head and neck and and and trunk.
  • 29:42This is to be distinguished from
  • 29:44another spindle cell Rhabdoma sarcoma
  • 29:47that occurs at birth or or or infants.
  • 29:50Yeah that have this vesicular
  • 29:54herring bone appearance.
  • 29:56These particular Rhabdoma sarcomas
  • 29:58are characterized by recurrent fusions
  • 30:01either involving site two or NCOA 2.
  • 30:06Importantly,
  • 30:06these tumors have a very favorable
  • 30:09outcome with almost no metastatic
  • 30:12potential and therefore they behave more
  • 30:15in keeping with an infantile fibrosarcoma.
  • 30:20Moving on to to touch base
  • 30:24a little bit on the Dicer 1 alterations.
  • 30:27It's a, you know new expanding fields.
  • 30:32We recently did this study that
  • 30:34we presented at USE CAP this year
  • 30:37comparing a a molecularly a group of
  • 30:42botuloids type for Rhabdomyo sarcoma
  • 30:45with a conventional Rhabdomyo sarcoma.
  • 30:48And the short story is that we observed
  • 30:52Dicer 1 alterations either somatic
  • 30:55or germline only in the boteroid
  • 30:59type Rhabdomyo sarcoma and that was
  • 31:03associated with a very favorable outcome
  • 31:06as you can see here the red line.
  • 31:10OK, moving on to discuss few
  • 31:14fusions that truly have an impact
  • 31:18on survival and therefore a,
  • 31:20you know, detailed NGS or Archer
  • 31:24character characterization is needed.
  • 31:27And of course we will start with
  • 31:31chick docs probably all being aware
  • 31:34of this small borons of sarcoma that
  • 31:38is characterized by a fusion that
  • 31:41results in switching the function
  • 31:44of CHICK from a repressor to an
  • 31:47oncogenic activator of transcription
  • 31:51especially up regulating ATV1ATV4.
  • 31:54And because of this function ETV 4 as
  • 31:58shown here is by immunostochemistry
  • 32:00is one of the most reliable ancillary
  • 32:04immuno marker in the diagnosis
  • 32:07of chick ducks for sarcomas.
  • 32:09These tumors occurs in the deep soft tissues.
  • 32:13They are large heterogeneous as shown here.
  • 32:16They occur in young adults.
  • 32:19They rarely are seen in children or bone.
  • 32:24And morphologically they look
  • 32:26like small blue round.
  • 32:27So tumor at a very quick low power view.
  • 32:31However at the higher power they have
  • 32:33you know more cytoplasm and we look
  • 32:37epithelioidal focus spindling and so forth.
  • 32:39Importantly,
  • 32:40the diagnosis is required because
  • 32:43of the very poor outcome and you
  • 32:46can see here in this couple mark
  • 32:49comparison with the E wing sarcoma
  • 32:51which are you're matched for stage
  • 32:54and you can see that the chick docs
  • 32:57four has a five year survival of 43%
  • 33:00compared to 77% the E wing sarcoma.
  • 33:04And more than that,
  • 33:05why the clinicians need to know about
  • 33:08this is because they do not respond
  • 33:11well to even sarcoma regimens.
  • 33:13And so far that was, you know,
  • 33:16the only type of therapy that
  • 33:18was used as the first line.
  • 33:20However, nowadays knowing that these are,
  • 33:23you know, quite resistant,
  • 33:25they may be approached with more adult
  • 33:29type sarcoma chemotherapy such as AIM.
  • 33:34One caveat here that we've noticed
  • 33:37is that the chick docks for sarcomas
  • 33:41have a high risk of negative results
  • 33:45both by fish as well as by NGS.
  • 33:48And that is due to the very
  • 33:51repetitive sequences of docks for.
  • 33:53So when that happens,
  • 33:54if our suspicion is a chick docks for
  • 33:57and every other Archer is negative
  • 34:00for other fusions is to look manually,
  • 34:03you know to ask the molecular lab to look
  • 34:05manually at the levels of ETV 1/4 and five.
  • 34:08And you can see here there are
  • 34:10very high levels of over expression
  • 34:13compared to other sarcomas,
  • 34:14which confirms the diagnosis
  • 34:16of a chick docs for fusion.
  • 34:19This has been shown by many groups
  • 34:22including our showing that by RNA sequencing,
  • 34:25the chick docs for sarcomas have their
  • 34:28own cluster on the group separate
  • 34:31from all the other round cell tumors.
  • 34:34So this chip docs 4 makes a very good
  • 34:37contrast with the B core CCNB 3 sarcomas.
  • 34:41B core CCNB 3 is a very peculiar
  • 34:45translocation which is an
  • 34:48intrachromosomal X paracentric inversion.
  • 34:52Again cannot be detected by FISH.
  • 34:55It requires Archer for the diagnosis.
  • 34:59Clinically the demographics are
  • 35:03more closer to E wing sarcoma and
  • 35:05very different than CHIC docs.
  • 35:07They occur in bone mostly in in
  • 35:11children and morphologically they
  • 35:13have a hybrid morphology between an E
  • 35:16wing sarcoma and a synovial sarcoma.
  • 35:18They have both round and spindle
  • 35:21cell components and of course the
  • 35:24important stain here is the B core
  • 35:27which shows 4 plus positivity.
  • 35:29Clinically.
  • 35:30Again,
  • 35:31very important since B core does
  • 35:34much better than chick ducks four
  • 35:36and pretty much similar outcome
  • 35:39with synovial sarcoma.
  • 35:43OK, so we looked at the impact of driver
  • 35:47alterations either mutations or fusions.
  • 35:51Now let's look at the impact and
  • 35:53survival on like secondary events,
  • 35:55right global landscape besides the
  • 35:58driver and in translocation associates
  • 36:01sarcoma secondary events are rare,
  • 36:04but when they occur,
  • 36:05they usually are associated very bad
  • 36:07outcome and resistant to chemotherapy.
  • 36:10So if we take the example
  • 36:12of Ewing sarcoma here,
  • 36:14the secondary events are usually
  • 36:16alteration in tumor suppressor genes.
  • 36:19As you can see P53 citican 2A stacks 2,
  • 36:24about 8 to 10% each,
  • 36:26usually mutually exclusive.
  • 36:28But when these occur, as I said,
  • 36:31the the evening sarcoma patients
  • 36:33do very badly as a whole of
  • 36:37translocation associates sarcoma.
  • 36:38The secondary events most common
  • 36:41are the P16P-15 deletion as well
  • 36:44as a turret promoter alteration.
  • 36:47So very recently we,
  • 36:49we performed this study which
  • 36:51where we included sarcomas that
  • 36:54are defined by EWS Kreb fusions,
  • 36:57right, ITF Kreb Kreb one.
  • 37:00And we wanted to, to,
  • 37:02to question to address if the secondary
  • 37:07genetic events may be different
  • 37:09in different histotypes, right?
  • 37:10So here we have angiomatoid fibro,
  • 37:12he's just cytoma clears as sarcoma,
  • 37:15gastrointestinal creases,
  • 37:16sarcoma and so forth.
  • 37:18So although was not again
  • 37:20a black and white picture,
  • 37:22we noted that there are,
  • 37:23you know,
  • 37:24some alterations were called more
  • 37:26common in certain histologies like AFH
  • 37:29had more common CDKN to AB deletion,
  • 37:32while all the tarts promoter mutations
  • 37:35or card in clearances or coma.
  • 37:38So then we wanted to,
  • 37:40to see if these alterations also
  • 37:44have an impact on survival, right?
  • 37:46Because that's that's why we do
  • 37:48NGS on these patients that we
  • 37:50already know the fusion type.
  • 37:52And the answer was truly clear cut.
  • 37:56Here you have the AFHS
  • 37:59angiomotor fibrohistocytoma.
  • 38:00The only two patients that had CDKN 2
  • 38:03AB were the ones that metastasized.
  • 38:06And here you have the clears of
  • 38:08sarcoma and you have the the patients
  • 38:11in green that died of disease
  • 38:13were highly enriched by cases
  • 38:15that had secondary genetic events
  • 38:20moving away from translocation.
  • 38:23This is another textbook example
  • 38:26that I'm sure the pediatric folks
  • 38:29here are very familiar with.
  • 38:31And this is about the impact of P53
  • 38:36mutation in Embraer abdominal sarcoma,
  • 38:40which of course has clinical implication,
  • 38:43risk escalation, more chemo and so forth.
  • 38:47And of course different
  • 38:49survival as you can see here.
  • 38:51And you may, you may say, well,
  • 38:53the presence of anaplasia
  • 38:56on Histology correlates,
  • 38:57correlates with the mutation with a genotype.
  • 39:01And that's true for most parts.
  • 39:03However, we've seen discrepancy
  • 39:04cases that do not have anaplasia
  • 39:07and AP53 mutation and vice versa.
  • 39:10So I mean, at least at our institution,
  • 39:13we do NGS on all Enbrana abdominal sarcomas,
  • 39:17especially since sometimes
  • 39:19our sample is so small,
  • 39:20they may not catch the anaplasia.
  • 39:24OK, moving on to third topic,
  • 39:26the impact of NGS to targeted therapy.
  • 39:29This will be by brief.
  • 39:31I assembled here a list for you of highly
  • 39:34relevant examples for soft tissue field.
  • 39:37And of course, top,
  • 39:39top of the list are the mutations in KIT,
  • 39:42PDGFR alpha and B Raff in GIST.
  • 39:45I don't have to,
  • 39:46you know,
  • 39:47tell you much,
  • 39:48but based on these mutations,
  • 39:50we choose what type of thyroid
  • 39:53tyrosine kinase inhibitor
  • 39:54and based on this alteration,
  • 39:56we may decide if the patient is a
  • 40:00candidate for adjuvant therapy or not.
  • 40:04The second example are sarcomas that are
  • 40:06driven by MDM to CDK 4 amplification.
  • 40:09And here we care about this
  • 40:13because they are for a while
  • 40:16now CDK 4 inhibitors available
  • 40:18with relatively good responses,
  • 40:20at least in the D flypool.
  • 40:23The third example here,
  • 40:25I cannot stress enough how important
  • 40:28it is for us pathologists to recognize
  • 40:32in real life the kinase fusion tumors.
  • 40:35And that is of course because of
  • 40:39the dramatic responses that we have
  • 40:41seen with kinase inhibitors and
  • 40:43depending on what type of kinase or
  • 40:47different tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
  • 40:49So for INTRAC of course is
  • 40:51lateral tracting it,
  • 40:52but now they have a second and third
  • 40:55generation of INTRAC inhibitors.
  • 40:58The next point here are the the
  • 41:00Smart B1 loss of function sarcomas,
  • 41:03again very important to diagnose
  • 41:05them correctly since now we
  • 41:08have a targeted therapy for,
  • 41:10for this disease,
  • 41:11the easy H2 inhibitor called tazemetostat,
  • 41:15which have shown decent responses,
  • 41:18especially in epithelial sarcoma.
  • 41:21The differentiating Melanoma I guess
  • 41:24with the UV signature completely
  • 41:26different therapy than sarcomas with the
  • 41:29immune checkpoint inhibitors with very,
  • 41:31very good responses.
  • 41:34And lastly,
  • 41:35I want to share with you 2 examples
  • 41:40of something completely unexpected to
  • 41:43us in which the secondary alterations
  • 41:47became were were targetable while
  • 41:50the driver mutation was not.
  • 41:53Sounds a bit confusing, but let's see.
  • 41:56So the first example is this patient
  • 42:00with an angiomatoid fibrocystiocytoma
  • 42:02having a fulminant course,
  • 42:04rapid local recurrences,
  • 42:06metastasis to the adrenal gland.
  • 42:10Archer confirmed the classic
  • 42:12AWS Kreb 1 fusion impact showed.
  • 42:16In addition,
  • 42:17CDK into AB which we know it can
  • 42:21happen in this disease as well
  • 42:23as AB RAF V 600 E mutation
  • 42:26which is almost unheard of to see
  • 42:31this mutation in in translocation
  • 42:33associated sarcoma as a secondary event.
  • 42:36And you can see here the tumor was also
  • 42:39positive by this marker immunostochemistry
  • 42:44patient of course was had first line
  • 42:47the sarcoma chemotherapy aim and failed.
  • 42:50And then because of the B RAF
  • 42:52second side mutation was put on a
  • 42:57combo therapy of RAF and make inhibitor.
  • 43:00And this is the the imaging,
  • 43:02the MRI and CAT scan showing on the
  • 43:06upper panel the primary time mask.
  • 43:08The 1st 2 show the dramatic increase in size.
  • 43:12This is before the targeted therapy and
  • 43:16the last one is after a few months of
  • 43:20the ancorafenibinimetinib combination.
  • 43:22And here lower is the adrenal
  • 43:25gland metastasis that you know,
  • 43:28grew extremely fast in one month
  • 43:30and then decreased in size after
  • 43:32a few months on therapy.
  • 43:34So this was a remarkable result,
  • 43:37unexpected and you know, I,
  • 43:41I think even if the the clinician
  • 43:43had the results in hand still is
  • 43:46they will start with first line
  • 43:49chemotherapy as as a sarcoma protocol.
  • 43:52OK, Second example as dramatic
  • 43:54as the first one.
  • 43:56This was a Dicer one associated
  • 44:00anaplastic sarcoma of the kidney
  • 44:04young patient again fulminant
  • 44:07course failed sarcoma chemotherapy
  • 44:10and then IMPACT was done and show
  • 44:152 somatic dicer 1 alterations.
  • 44:18So there was no germline in addition
  • 44:22to a PDGFR alpha hotspot mutation.
  • 44:26You can see here the the panel E shows
  • 44:30the strong PDGFR alpha expression.
  • 44:34So then this patient got was treated
  • 44:38with a PDGFR alpha inhibitor,
  • 44:40which is called Ava pritinib.
  • 44:42And you can see appreciate here
  • 44:44based on CAT scan and PET scan,
  • 44:46the decrease in size and metabolic
  • 44:48activity after this treatment.
  • 44:50So again,
  • 44:52quite remarkable change of clinical
  • 44:55course due to these unexpected
  • 44:58targetable secondary genetic events.
  • 45:03OK topic #4 I hope we are
  • 45:06doing good with time.
  • 45:08I don't know is the impact of
  • 45:13NGS in risk stratification.
  • 45:15And here I, I want to share our very
  • 45:19recent work on GIST where we developed
  • 45:22the next generation genomic nomogram
  • 45:26that truly incorporates both the
  • 45:29traditional clinical pathologic factors
  • 45:32as well the genomic alteration from NGS.
  • 45:35So I don't know how many GI pathologists or
  • 45:38soft tissue pathologists are in the audience,
  • 45:40but you know, risk,
  • 45:43risk prognostication in GIST is not,
  • 45:46not a pickle, right?
  • 45:48It's kind of complex.
  • 45:49You have to have this cheat,
  • 45:51you know, with you all the time.
  • 45:53And here are some of them,
  • 45:55all of these different tier systems schemes,
  • 45:59the two most common you probably know
  • 46:03are the Fletcher and IH and Yetinen.
  • 46:06Even between these two there
  • 46:08are significant differences.
  • 46:09Yetinen has five tier system because
  • 46:12they include a benign category,
  • 46:15while Fletcher has four.
  • 46:17Fletcher and IH does not take into
  • 46:20consideration the anatomic site and
  • 46:23therefore because of that this is
  • 46:26a chit chat for the gastric tumors,
  • 46:28it typically overestimates the gastric
  • 46:31GIST with low mitotic activity.
  • 46:34So as you can see,
  • 46:36there are problems with this,
  • 46:38right,
  • 46:38problems with these especially for
  • 46:41clinicians that use this as a gold
  • 46:45standard to select patients who are at
  • 46:48moderate to high risk for adjuvant therapy.
  • 46:53So we are at Memorial,
  • 46:55we do a lot of sequencing and most
  • 46:57just patients are being sequenced.
  • 46:59We get these fancy reports, right?
  • 47:02They're very comprehensive.
  • 47:04And then what,
  • 47:05what exactly is being used from the report,
  • 47:08right?
  • 47:09We spent a lot of money
  • 47:10and we want to know what,
  • 47:12what can we get out of it.
  • 47:14So the first information we get out of
  • 47:16it is the primary alteration, right?
  • 47:19The primary driver,
  • 47:20the kit PDGFR alpha and we can
  • 47:24tell if it's responsive or not
  • 47:25to E nothing even based on that,
  • 47:27you know the the clinicians make
  • 47:30certain decisions on type of TKI or
  • 47:33decision to to put the patient on adjuvant.
  • 47:36The second information they use
  • 47:39from this report is the secondary
  • 47:42site mutation usually in kit.
  • 47:44And this is just to inform them on
  • 47:47the mechanism of resistance to the
  • 47:49TKI when they are going to switch
  • 47:52the TKI to the second type of drug.
  • 47:55And based on the second site mutation,
  • 47:58they may do those decisions.
  • 47:59So this is pretty much what's being used.
  • 48:04So what is not used?
  • 48:06When we started study, we were,
  • 48:08you know,
  • 48:09kind of perplex that a lot of
  • 48:12stuff it's not used.
  • 48:13We don't use any of this data for
  • 48:16risk certification and we do not use
  • 48:19any information from the non kits,
  • 48:22non driver alterations.
  • 48:24So then we, you know,
  • 48:26set up,
  • 48:28trying working very closely with a
  • 48:31bioinformatic person and use machine
  • 48:34learning methods called Oncocast.
  • 48:36This has been used at Memorial
  • 48:39trying to do genome risk,
  • 48:41risk stratification in lung
  • 48:43cancer in mesothelioma.
  • 48:45So we,
  • 48:46we applied that in GIST and this is
  • 48:49this, these are the results in gastric GIST.
  • 48:52So using this method that as I
  • 48:55said incorporates traditional size
  • 48:57mitosis as well as the most recurrent
  • 49:01alteration that we're seeing on impact.
  • 49:03And you can see here,
  • 49:04we were able to divide the gastric
  • 49:07gist in three genomic tears.
  • 49:09The first one here in red is high risk,
  • 49:12which is which is defined by 1P
  • 49:15deletion or SDHB alterations.
  • 49:18The one in green is intermediate risk
  • 49:20with 14 Q deletion here and what else?
  • 49:24An absence of KIT X111 mutation
  • 49:27which is very important.
  • 49:29Same thing in the small bowel.
  • 49:30You may not be able to see it very well.
  • 49:333 tier system.
  • 49:34The red one is high risk if if the gist
  • 49:37has a mutation in the mic Max axis RB
  • 49:40or CD can to A then it's high risk.
  • 49:43If not, if it does what presence of
  • 49:491P deletions or five Q amplification?
  • 49:51That's it's intermediate risk and the
  • 49:55same alterations could be confirmed
  • 49:57only if we looked at Exoni Lucky
  • 50:00Taxon 11 small bulges.
  • 50:02So we wanted to validate this since it was,
  • 50:05you know,
  • 50:06relatively new method used in GIST.
  • 50:10So we we used a different statistical method,
  • 50:13the multivariate cost proportional
  • 50:15hazard and we confirm pretty much the
  • 50:19same alterations that were statistically
  • 50:22significant with the machine learning
  • 50:25method even in the SDH deficient GIST.
  • 50:28And you may probably know these
  • 50:30are have a different biology,
  • 50:34different clinical behavior and
  • 50:37the current risk certification
  • 50:39does not apply to these at all.
  • 50:42Using the same methods we were
  • 50:45able to distinguish a more high
  • 50:48risk of SDH mutagists that have
  • 50:51P53 mutations or 1Q amplification.
  • 50:55So we we are very optimistic and
  • 50:59positive about these results.
  • 51:01We are hoping to maybe apply
  • 51:04in other sarcomas.
  • 51:06Of course comma sarcomas
  • 51:07you need a lot of numbers.
  • 51:09You cannot do this in chick ducks 4.
  • 51:13So we think that this will be very
  • 51:19useful for the clinicians that may help
  • 51:21them at a different level to choose
  • 51:24the patients for adjuvant therapy.
  • 51:26We also think that it might
  • 51:29bypass of the heterogeneity I just
  • 51:31mentioned in the beginning on the
  • 51:34traditional risks stratification,
  • 51:36especially knowing that all of these
  • 51:39were designed before the imatinib
  • 51:41era and they do not take into
  • 51:44account the kid mutation pattern.
  • 51:48So our work also for the first
  • 51:52time raises the the point of that
  • 51:56kid independent gene alterations
  • 51:58may play a role in survival.
  • 52:00And of course this can be we think
  • 52:03that this can be widely applied
  • 52:06because most of the targeted NGS
  • 52:08panels out there give information
  • 52:11about the single nucleotide variants
  • 52:14make Max RB and so forth that can
  • 52:18easily applied in non impact targets.
  • 52:22OK.
  • 52:22Lastly,
  • 52:23if we have time,
  • 52:25we can go over the additional
  • 52:30applications of NGS and here I
  • 52:34thought to share with you the
  • 52:38importance of NGS in working with
  • 52:41genomically complex sarcomas.
  • 52:43And the first example here is
  • 52:46this relatively new entity mixoid
  • 52:49neomorphic liposarcoma.
  • 52:51You may or may have not heard of this
  • 52:54last WHA classification has been
  • 52:58made a stand stand alone subtype of
  • 53:02liposarcoma as a hybrid morphology.
  • 53:05In areas looks like mixoid liposarcoma,
  • 53:07in areas looks like theomorphic liposarcoma.
  • 53:10It occurs in young patients
  • 53:12in the media Steiner mainly.
  • 53:14But then we've seen a wide
  • 53:17age range and locations.
  • 53:18And if we just look at the NGS
  • 53:21of these three different types,
  • 53:23the green is mixed with pleomorphic,
  • 53:25the red is pleomorphic lipo and
  • 53:27the blue is the mixoid round cell.
  • 53:30The mixoid pleomorphic liposarcoma
  • 53:33is a closer genomic signature
  • 53:36with the pleomorphic lipo and
  • 53:38very different than Mixoide.
  • 53:40And this maybe not so unexpected right?
  • 53:43Mixo liposarcoma have starts mutations and
  • 53:46have the peak peak three CA alterations.
  • 53:50But then when we looked at the allele
  • 53:53specific copy number here on top right,
  • 53:55a completely different picture could be
  • 53:57seen in in Mixoide theomorphic liposarcoma,
  • 54:00very different than theomorphic liposarcoma,
  • 54:03for example,
  • 54:04showing this widespread loss
  • 54:06of hell heterozygosity,
  • 54:08which was pretty much globally more
  • 54:11than 85% of the genome shows this LOH
  • 54:14type signature compared to for example,
  • 54:17a mixer lipo here that is very flat.
  • 54:20In addition, they have very interesting
  • 54:23copy number alterations here on top.
  • 54:27It's a primary tumor or mixopleomorphic
  • 54:29liposarcoma.
  • 54:30You probably don't see it,
  • 54:32but this is a near haploid that here you
  • 54:34have #1 which is total of copy number.
  • 54:37And then in the metastasis, it became 2,
  • 54:40meaning that you have a hyper deployed,
  • 54:45deployed after doubling of the
  • 54:49haploid phenotype.
  • 54:50So very intriguing, very specific,
  • 54:53very different alterations.
  • 54:55And all this information would be
  • 54:59extracted from our Impact NGS panel.
  • 55:03So no,
  • 55:04no whole genome or no whole transcriptome,
  • 55:07everything that you see was extracted
  • 55:10from the targeted DNA panel.
  • 55:13Why is this important?
  • 55:14Well, it's important because once again,
  • 55:16you know the impact on survival.
  • 55:20The mixed with theomorphic do even
  • 55:22worse than the pleomorphic liposarcoma,
  • 55:25although these are young patients and
  • 55:26these are older patients, of course,
  • 55:28much better than the mixed with drone cell.
  • 55:31OK.
  • 55:32And one last example, you know,
  • 55:36is, is to,
  • 55:37to illustrate our recent work that we can
  • 55:40use NGS in the differential diagnosis
  • 55:44of genomically complex sarcomas.
  • 55:46We've seen too many mistakes or errors.
  • 55:50So we, you know,
  • 55:51in various diseases that we thought
  • 55:54let's look at this more carefully.
  • 55:56And here I will give you 2 examples,
  • 56:01embryonorabdomal sarcoma to
  • 56:03distinguish from Triton tumor
  • 56:05and embryonorabdomal sarcoma to
  • 56:08distinguish from theomorphic Raptor.
  • 56:10So this first study that we did recently
  • 56:15was to compare embryonorabdo with Triton
  • 56:17tumor or MPNST with Raptor component.
  • 56:20And you may not know that in fact NF1
  • 56:24alterations is the second most common
  • 56:27genetic event in embryonoraptil.
  • 56:30So having an F1 alterations,
  • 56:32you cannot distinguish between
  • 56:34umbrella and tritone tumor.
  • 56:36So that's one thing.
  • 56:38Second,
  • 56:38that this particular study was
  • 56:41triggered by three cases that were
  • 56:45three cases of tritone tumor that
  • 56:47were misdiagnosis and Bronner
  • 56:49reptile and one of them had
  • 56:51therapeutic repercussions.
  • 56:52The other two the diagnosis was changed
  • 56:55in real time due to the impact results.
  • 56:59So I know it's a complicated figure,
  • 57:02but you have to kind of believe me that
  • 57:07tritone tumor has the same genomics as MPNST.
  • 57:11They have alteration in the PRC two
  • 57:15complex as well as the CDKN 2AB.
  • 57:17While the embryonic of the master coma has
  • 57:21Ras mutations and B core loss of function.
  • 57:23So for most cases,
  • 57:26if you look at uncle prints of the impact,
  • 57:29you can actually favor one over the other.
  • 57:32I'm not saying that this can
  • 57:34be done in 100% of the cases,
  • 57:36but in more than 70% of the cases,
  • 57:38we are able to tell the genomic
  • 57:41difference between a tritone slash
  • 57:43MPNST versus and Bronner Optima circle.
  • 57:49OK, what's important? Well,
  • 57:51the the survival again it's like black and
  • 57:55white and Branarabdo very good prognosis.
  • 57:59The NF one mutant and Branarabdo responds
  • 58:02very well to like any other and the NPNST are
  • 58:06doing the Triton tumor are doing very poorly.
  • 58:10And lastly, we used NGS to try to distinguish
  • 58:15and Branarabdo from theomorphic rhabdo.
  • 58:18And why is that, you may ask?
  • 58:19Because we seen embryonorabdo with
  • 58:22anaplasia in young adults or even,
  • 58:25you know, not so young adults.
  • 58:27So we struggle sometimes, you know,
  • 58:30is it truly an embryon anaplasia?
  • 58:32Is it pleomorphic?
  • 58:33So we try to look into this more
  • 58:36carefully to see if, you know,
  • 58:38since we have all this data available anyway,
  • 58:40right?
  • 58:41These are sequenced as I mentioned.
  • 58:43So why not just to try to see if in,
  • 58:46you know, a challenging case.
  • 58:47Could this be helpful?
  • 58:49And again embryonorabdomal sarcoma
  • 58:51has NF1 mutation and Ras mutation,
  • 58:54V core alteration very different.
  • 58:56While pleomorphic rhabdoma sarcoma
  • 59:00has the same alterations as
  • 59:02any other pleomorphic sarcoma.
  • 59:04So if you look at this,
  • 59:06so on the left you have pleomorphic
  • 59:08rhabdom and then you have
  • 59:10undifferential pleomorphic sarcoma,
  • 59:12pleomorphic liposarcoma.
  • 59:13Here it looks pretty much the same.
  • 59:16So pleomorphic rhabdom has the same genomics,
  • 59:21the same signature and any other adult
  • 59:24theomorphic sarcoma and just supported
  • 59:27the fact that these are included in the
  • 59:31therapeutic bracket of pleomorphic sarcoma.
  • 59:33So if you ask a sarcoma medical
  • 59:35oncologist how you treat pleomorphic
  • 59:37crap that they will say like any
  • 59:40other pleomorphic sarcoma,
  • 59:42not with Embryon Arab the
  • 59:44protocol which makes sense.
  • 59:46However,
  • 59:46it is our role to make sure we
  • 59:50distinguish the two of them.
  • 59:51So final thoughts if we need any.
  • 59:56I hope I convinced you giving you so many
  • 01:00:01examples about the wide application of
  • 01:00:03NGS beyond diagnosis and classification.
  • 01:00:06And the last point here is that our role
  • 01:00:10as pathologist seems to be evolving.
  • 01:00:13A lot during the NGS era and
  • 01:00:17it's advisable if you ask me to
  • 01:00:20keep an active role in,
  • 01:00:22you know,
  • 01:00:23incorporating and interpreting all
  • 01:00:25these NGS tests and putting together
  • 01:00:28with the remaining of the findings for,
  • 01:00:31you know,
  • 01:00:31an improved diagnosis and a better
  • 01:00:34management for these patients.
  • 01:00:35Thank you very much.
  • 01:00:51Any questions?
  • 01:00:55I guess I was very clear,
  • 01:01:04are these affiliations
  • 01:01:05detectable or liquid files?
  • 01:01:09Very good question.
  • 01:01:11So we have a similar panel with IMPACT.
  • 01:01:15IMPACT has 500 genes we call MSK Access,
  • 01:01:19which does the sequencing from
  • 01:01:22the circulating DNA includes
  • 01:01:24I believe 70 something genes.
  • 01:01:27It's not very reliable,
  • 01:01:29it's not very accurate.
  • 01:01:31So I guess if you're looking
  • 01:01:33at a specific alteration like
  • 01:01:34just you look at kits, you know,
  • 01:01:37this may work well in the blood if
  • 01:01:39you know exactly what you're after,
  • 01:01:41but not not for these genomically
  • 01:01:43complex circle ones.
  • 01:01:47See, I do have a question.
  • 01:01:53You mentioned earlier reverse morphology
  • 01:01:56with the genomic data, NGS data,
  • 01:01:59then you go back and look at the tumor.
  • 01:02:03Do you think that the NGS data should be
  • 01:02:08signed out by the surgeon pathologist?
  • 01:02:14I, I think it should be signed
  • 01:02:16about the molecular pathologist to
  • 01:02:18make sure that everything you know,
  • 01:02:20the quality control and everything
  • 01:02:22and then to be discussed the results
  • 01:02:25in like a molecular tumor board.
  • 01:02:26And I think that's what we are missing.
  • 01:02:29We missed this link. I agree with you.
  • 01:02:31That's very important to kind
  • 01:02:32of put together.
  • 01:02:33I mean, you know,
  • 01:02:34doesn't make sense with what we see and
  • 01:02:37a lot of time it makes sense and then
  • 01:02:39they trigger us to do additional tests
  • 01:02:41that we didn't even think about that right.
  • 01:02:43So I gave a number of examples here,
  • 01:02:47but I truly think they should be signed on
  • 01:02:49by molecular pathologists that would know,
  • 01:02:52you know, the pitfalls all the.
  • 01:02:54So there's
  • 01:02:57a question in chat that's you've been
  • 01:03:00settled in the collation so far.
  • 01:03:04Yeah, it's used, but not, not great,
  • 01:03:06no, at least the cases I've sent
  • 01:03:09to methylation in our department,
  • 01:03:12maybe because I send zebras
  • 01:03:14so usually say no match.
  • 01:03:17So actually I've not been sending much.
  • 01:03:19I mean, I, I have a question.
  • 01:03:21I mean, the, the workup takes a long time,
  • 01:03:24right? So I'm a drastic guy.
  • 01:03:26I get questions from my own
  • 01:03:28colleagues more or less the same day
  • 01:03:30that you've got the whole answer.
  • 01:03:33These these workups take a long time.
  • 01:03:35And every time there's a typical workflow,
  • 01:03:37you get a biopsy, say London's
  • 01:03:39going to sell something or other,
  • 01:03:40you get a reflection,
  • 01:03:41and then you spend your time working it up.
  • 01:03:43Yeah, that's sort of the way it works.
  • 01:03:45And then you don't have that issue
  • 01:03:47about how fast you have to work.
  • 01:03:48You've got, you know,
  • 01:03:49you can work, take a month,
  • 01:03:51and it's not a big deal. Yes,
  • 01:03:56I mean it depends. As I said,
  • 01:03:57we cannot activate these NGS tests.
  • 01:04:00It's all by clinician.
  • 01:04:01So we just emailed them.
  • 01:04:03I said hey, you know,
  • 01:04:04I don't know what this is,
  • 01:04:06please get consent,
  • 01:04:07get blood from the patient so we,
  • 01:04:09we can activate the NGS right away.
  • 01:04:12I will sign out the biopsy,
  • 01:04:13you know, if I if I think it's,
  • 01:04:15you know, high grade or whatever,
  • 01:04:17I would say undifferentiated and then
  • 01:04:20the classification will be done on the
  • 01:04:22resection or I will suggest material if
  • 01:04:25it's from outside to do Archer or whatever,
  • 01:04:28if it's monomorphic Archer,
  • 01:04:30if it's piomorphic NGS.
  • 01:04:32But yeah, I mean,
  • 01:04:33everybody wants to the result the same day,
  • 01:04:37but and even the resection,
  • 01:04:39I sign it out and then impact,
  • 01:04:41you know, comes back in a month later.
  • 01:04:43And I always say that make
  • 01:04:45fun of myself said, you know,
  • 01:04:47my diagnosis is as good as, you know,
  • 01:04:49one month because then then I'll
  • 01:04:51have the results of the NGS.
  • 01:04:53And then I may have to, yeah,
  • 01:04:55reconsider my diagnosis,
  • 01:04:56which, you know,
  • 01:04:57happens as I showed you couple of times.
  • 01:05:00But this, this is great.
  • 01:05:01You know,
  • 01:05:02these are finally some objective tools.
  • 01:05:04Some some sometimes doesn't all make sense,
  • 01:05:06but most of the time if they find
  • 01:05:09an alterations or a fusion and we
  • 01:05:12confirm by immuno chemistry, it's real.
  • 01:05:14So we, you know,
  • 01:05:16we changed the diagnosis.
  • 01:05:20Finally some questions. Yeah,
  • 01:05:23I just wanted to come back to the question,
  • 01:05:25some of the stuff you mentioned about
  • 01:05:28GIST and actually one question kind
  • 01:05:29of came up with Rob's point for the
  • 01:05:32GIST and she asked do you do that?
  • 01:05:34Do you need a clinician order for that or
  • 01:05:36do you do that in her complexity manner?
  • 01:05:38I cannot, I cannot. It's just a patient
  • 01:05:41need to be consent to draw blood.
  • 01:05:43So and because you see Mati Nibben,
  • 01:05:47you know TKI, they do it on every case.
  • 01:05:49I don't have to tell them that the GIST
  • 01:05:52sarcoma oncologist are outstanding.
  • 01:05:54So I don't have to tell them.
  • 01:05:56But yes, it's being done on every
  • 01:05:59case and with the normal gram that you
  • 01:06:02described that incorporates the genomic
  • 01:06:05data is I don't know if I missed it.
  • 01:06:07Maybe you shouldn't,
  • 01:06:08but is that could be look at
  • 01:06:10that anywhere or is that posted
  • 01:06:12anywhere on the it's published,
  • 01:06:13so published you can cut
  • 01:06:15it and I'm just kidding.
  • 01:06:17Yeah, it's published, Yeah,
  • 01:06:19it's published last year and we also have
  • 01:06:23recently done a similar one in Lyle.
  • 01:06:26Yeah.
  • 01:06:26One
  • 01:06:30thing that I think some of the patients,
  • 01:06:32any paths might not be pick up from
  • 01:06:34our like hard scale.
  • 01:06:40Yeah, that's the hardest part because
  • 01:06:43most of the commercially available,
  • 01:06:45they don't provide them and even
  • 01:06:48even within our own departments,
  • 01:06:51different molecular pathologists
  • 01:06:53use different thresholds.
  • 01:06:55So it may depend.
  • 01:06:56So a lot of the studies
  • 01:06:58that we do copy number,
  • 01:06:59we had to go back to the raw data to
  • 01:07:02make sure that everything is accurate.
  • 01:07:04So you're perfectly right.
  • 01:07:07This is still very subjective field,
  • 01:07:11you know, to report the arm
  • 01:07:14level copy number changes
  • 01:07:18also because our clinicians don't
  • 01:07:20really care that much, you know,
  • 01:07:22they're all after mutations,
  • 01:07:23fusions, you know,
  • 01:07:24so then maybe it's not so much,
  • 01:07:26you know, detail or is no, no,
  • 01:07:28no certain standards that are being applied.
  • 01:07:32I don't know what what's the situation here?
  • 01:07:35And signing out molecular, but
  • 01:07:39right, yeah, most commercial the same.
  • 01:07:42They are not reported.
  • 01:07:44So when we we did the the the
  • 01:07:48prognostication in LYO, LYO is a disease.
  • 01:07:51Lyo is a disease of copy number, right.
  • 01:07:55It's not necessarily like just,
  • 01:07:57it's truly you have to have very good data.
  • 01:08:00So we were not able to find a,
  • 01:08:03a validation cohort.
  • 01:08:04So in the end, we have to take from
  • 01:08:08like the Genie project of ACR,
  • 01:08:11get all the raw data,
  • 01:08:13redo our own copy number in order for us
  • 01:08:15to be able to compare with the impact.
  • 01:08:18So it was really very, very hard.
  • 01:08:22I don't know,
  • 01:08:23maybe in the future they will standardize
  • 01:08:26this better and maybe will come
  • 01:08:28from if the clinicians require it.
  • 01:08:33I just want to thank you for coming.
  • 01:08:34I really enjoyed it.
  • 01:08:37I remember signing out with you and
  • 01:08:39one of the first things you said to
  • 01:08:41me was is there blood in the system?
  • 01:08:43And now I can see why that was such
  • 01:08:46an important question for for me to.
  • 01:08:47Yeah, I can't.
  • 01:08:48Yeah, I'm sure the fellows think I'm crazy.
  • 01:08:52You know, every, you know,
  • 01:08:53like we are looking at the slides and
  • 01:08:54said is there blood in the system?
  • 01:08:56Like why? It's like this question,
  • 01:08:58so very
  • 01:09:02important question. I'm
  • 01:09:11just so thank you.
  • 01:09:12Thank you so much. Oh, OK.
  • 01:09:13OK. Let me, let me just.
  • 01:09:15Yeah, it's my great honor. OK.
  • 01:09:21I just want to give this award.
  • 01:09:22OK, guys, could you stay for two seconds?
  • 01:09:25I'm going to make it short.
  • 01:09:26All right? OK, Don't worry.
  • 01:09:28Don't worry.
  • 01:09:29I have to do it officially.
  • 01:09:30All right,
  • 01:09:32So it's my great pleasure
  • 01:09:33and honor to present the
  • 01:09:36Doctor McAllister Actorship
  • 01:09:38Award to our today's speaker,
  • 01:09:39Doctor Antonescu,
  • 01:09:41on behalf of the entire department.
  • 01:09:43So just briefly about Doctor McAllister.
  • 01:09:46He was a graduate of a Yale College.
  • 01:09:48Then he went to John Hopkins
  • 01:09:50where he graduated from Med school
  • 01:09:52and finished his residency there as well,
  • 01:09:55and actually came back here as the chief
  • 01:09:58of surgical pathology for the Memorial
  • 01:10:00unit of the Yale New Haven Hospital
  • 01:10:02for 25 years from 1953 to 1978.
  • 01:10:08He was regarded as one of the
  • 01:10:11best diagnosticians, educator,
  • 01:10:12great mentor, advisor,
  • 01:10:15and friend to many students, residents,
  • 01:10:19and all colleagues in in our hospital
  • 01:10:21system. So I think you really truly
  • 01:10:24represent what this lectureship award
  • 01:10:27is for and we are very grateful
  • 01:10:29that you came to us today.
  • 01:10:29So thank you so much. So
  • 01:10:31this is, it's not big, but it's from heart.