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Academic Professionalism

In an effort to foster a community of mutual respect grounded in the values of integrity, respect for relationships, a commitment to community, diversity, and developing others, Yale School of Medicine has expanded the work of faculty affairs into the Office of Academic and Professional Development.

Deputy Dean for Professionalism and Leadership Robert Rohrbaugh, MD, oversees the efforts around professionalism and leadership development. Dr. Rohrbaugh is supported in this work by Andrea Terrillion, JD, senior director of professionalism and leadership development. The OAPD academic professionalism and leadership team promotes professionalism at the School of Medicine by:

  • Fostering a shared community vision of professionalism
  • Serving as a resource for individuals who are experiencing unprofessional behavior
  • Overseeing processes and mechanisms for reporting and resolving professionalism concerns
  • Consulting with leaders as they address faculty professionalism concerns in their labs, programs, sections, or departments
  • Providing leadership development training and coaching support to leaders
  • Foundational to our community’s shared understanding of professionalism is the dissemination of values characterizing leadership and related professional behaviors endorsed by the Yale School of Medicine.

  • Yale School of Medicine has expanded the work of faculty affairs in an effort to foster a community of mutual respect grounded in agreed upon values encompassing integrity, respect for relationships, a commitment to community, diversity and developing others.

  • Confidential reporting, process for identifying patterns, and a standardized and proportional approach to addressing unprofessional, disruptive or concerning behaviors.
  • The OAPD-Office of Professionalism and Leadership provides consultation support to chairs and section chiefs.