Medical research

Source of liver stem cells identified

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists have identified stem cells in the liver that give rise to functional liver cells. The work solves a long-standing mystery about the origin of new cells in the liver, which ...

Medical research

Lab-grown organoids hold promise for patient treatments

Ophir Klein is growing teeth, which is just slightly less odd than what Jeffrey Bush is growing – tissues that make up the face. Jason Pomerantz is growing muscle; Sarah Knox is growing salivary glands; and Edward Hsiao ...


'Maturity' molecule helps adolescent brain grow up

When it comes to raising teenagers, parents have an ally—laminin alpha 5, a molecule crucial to the maturing of the adolescent brain—a Yale-led study published Oct. 31 in the journal Cell Reports suggests.

Medical research

Between B cells and T cells

Mature cells develop through a number of immature stages. During this process, they must remember the specialization they are committed to. For immune system B cells, Rudolf Grosschedl of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein induces self-destruction in cancer cells

The role of a phosphatase protein in promoting the self-destruction of healthy cells and the progression of ovarian cancer has been identified by A*STAR researchers. Known to be overexpressed in cancer cells, the protein, ...

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