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Sports medicine & Kinesiology news

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

New device inspired by python teeth may reduce the risk of rotator cuff re-tearing

Most people, when they think about pythons, visualize the huge snake constricting and swallowing victims whole. But did you know that pythons initially hold onto their prey with their sharp, backward-curving teeth?


Work-related nerve injuries are common with repetitive motions

Although you may not always realize it, many of the jobs you do can put strain on, and even cause damage to, your nerves.

Psychology & Psychiatry

For many Olympic medalists, silver stings more than bronze

At the 2022 Beijing Olympics, a distraught Alexandra Trusova won silver and promptly declared, "I will never skate again." Swimmer Michael Phelps displayed a mix of frustration and disappointment at the 2012 London Olympics ...


Aerobic exercise tied to improved clinical asthma outcomes

Moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise training are associated with improvements in clinical asthma outcomes, according to a study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: in Practice.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Soccer study provides insights into the psychology of crises

UEFA EURO 2024 is about to start, with all its hopes of victory and fears of defeat. Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) investigated how failure affects players' psyches and how the dreaded downward ...