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Alzheimer's disease & dementia news


Serotonin 2C receptor regulates memory in mice and humans: Implications for Alzheimer's disease

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Cambridge in the U.K. and collaborating institutions have shown that serotonin 2C receptor in the brain regulates memory in people and animal models. The findings, ...


Protein maps created using scanning technology on cerebrospinal fluid to find markers for Alzheimer's

A large team of neuroscientists, biochemists and Alzheimer's specialists affiliated with institutions in the U.S. and Iceland has created a protein map to look for patterns in cerebrospinal fluid that may serve as markers ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Biology-based criteria for diagnosis, staging of Alzheimer's disease

The Alzheimer's Association has published revised criteria for the diagnosis and staging of Alzheimer's disease that are based on the biology of the disease and reflect recent advancements in research, diagnostics and treatment.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Can music help someone with Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to waste away and die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which is a term used to describe a group of symptoms that affect memory, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Dementia: Targeted prevention is a good investment

Measures to prevent dementia in at-risk groups can not only improve quality of life, but also make a lot of economic sense. This is the key finding of a recently published analysis by IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences ...


How we can slow down or prevent Alzheimer's

Getting more than six hours of quality sleep a night may help prevent, or slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease, according to new research from Murdoch University. The study, "Suboptimal self-reported sleep efficiency ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

'Fit2Drive' transforms assessing older drivers with cognitive decline

As the world's population ages, so does the proportion of older drivers on the road. Safe driving requires adequate memory, perceptual and motor skills, and executive function abilities. Although individuals with severe Alzheimer's ...


Popular diabetes drugs may reduce the risk of dementia

People with type 2 diabetes who are treated with GLP-1 agonists have a decreased risk of developing dementia, according to a new study from Karolinska Institutet published in the journal eClinicalMedicine.