Google Will Automatically Add Disclosures to AI-Generated Political Ads

It already required the disclosures to happen, but now it's going to create them.

(Credit: Shutterstock / Veroniksha)

Google is making it easier for advertisers to disclose when they've used AI in political ads.

Since last year, Google has required advertisers to disclose when they used artificial intelligence in their ads. Now, when an advertiser labels their election ad as containing "synthetic or digitally altered content," Google will automatically generate a disclosure for the ad.

Originally spotted by Search Engine Land, the disclosure will appear in feeds and YouTube Shorts on mobile devices and within in-stream ads on phones, computers, television screens, and the web.

"For all other formats, the advertiser is responsible for selecting the checkbox and providing a prominent disclosure. The disclosure must be clear and conspicuous, and must be placed in a location where it is likely to be noticed by users. Acceptable disclosure language will vary depending on the specific context of the ad." the new policy reads.

As we're headed into what promises to be a headline-making election year, the disclosures will make it so advertisers need to be more transparent about their use of synthetic content in ads, a critical requirement at a time when AI has already made an impact at the polls.

In January, a startup used AI to recreate the voice of President Biden, called Democratic voters in New Hampshire, and encouraged them to stay away from the polls during the primaries.

Since then, several social media companies and agencies have implemented new policies to help prevent AI from being used to deceive voters.

About Emily Price