Bloodborne Pathogen Testing

  1. During the course of his/her duties, an emergency first responder may become exposed to blood or other bodily fluids from a medical examiner’s case. In conjunction with their respective department’s exposure protocol, this office will conduct HIV & Hepatitis C testing on a decedent (exposure source) at the request of a health care provider currently treating the exposed personnel.
  2. The request must be made on the department’s confidential “Request/Exposure Report” form. When this signed Request/Report form is returned to the Forensic Laboratories Division via email (, the decedent’s blood will be tested for HIV & Hepatitis C.
  3. All results will be held in confidence by the Chief, Forensic Laboratories Division. HIV & Hepatitis C test results may only be released to the health care provider for the exposed emergency responder, or directly to the “designated officer” of the emergency responder’s department.
  1. The Department of Medical Examiner will honor a “Request/Exposure Report” form from a Good Samaritan who has been exposed to blood or other bodily fluids during lifesaving procedures provided to a decedent before their death.
  2. Negative test results will be provided directly to the exposed individual.
  3. Any positive test results will be referred to the County’s AIDS Program Office for notification to the exposed individual.
  1. A family member of the decedent may request an HIV & Hepatitis C test be performed. In this case, a letter of authorization signed by the next of kin is required.
  2. Negative test results may be provided to the next of kin.
  3. Any positive test results will be referred to the County’s AIDS Program Office for notification to the next of kin.
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