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SMS Consent Policies

Please find our SMS Consent Policies below.

Opt-In Policy: Clients visit our website which states CALL or TEXT or verbally agrees to receive messages from our business during their intake, either in-person or over the phone.

Opt-Out Policy: Client can verbally state they no longer wish to receive SMS communication, can email or text us using the single word “STOP”.

Help Message: Contact us at or call us at 804-249-1845.

Call to Action
“Call or Text Today 804-249-1845”

Content & Consent
Content shared by The McShin Foundation is “conversational” & “informational”.
Message and Data rates may apply.
If you visit our website and send us a text message we will respond under your implied consent. Messages sent with your express consent are gathered via intake form, verbally via phone call or by contacting us on our website via web form

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