Are You a Healthcare Provider Site Administrator?

A MCIR Provider Site Administrator is responsible for managing their site by adding, editing and deleting their provider site users associated to their site. Find how to manager your site users and more in the Provider Site Administrator Manual below.

If you are interested in training, you can attend one of our MCIR virtual training sessions or contact the MCIR Education and Training Analyst for your county to schedule one-on-one training.

Site Administrator Resources

Tip Sheet: How to Add a New or Existing User to a MCIR Site

Site Administrators have the ability to associate Site Users to their MCIR site.

Tip Sheet: MCIR Provider Site Renewal for Providers

Current Site Administrators can re-enroll their site agreement in the MCIR.

If the Site Administrator is unknown a new site administrator will need to be appointed. Complete the Provider Site Usage Agreement form to select a new Site Administrator. 

Tip Sheet: How to Add an E-Order Contact

Site Administrators can designate themselves or another Site User as an E-Order Contact. The E-Order Contact can order vaccines directly through MCIR.

New to MCIR or your Provider Site?

  1. Register or Log in to your MILogin Account. Need Help?

  2. Contact your provider Site Administrator to be associated to the provider MCIR site.
  3. Contact the MCIR Help Desk for help as a new Site Administrator.

Provider Site Administrator Activities

MCIR Provider Site Administrator Manual

Provider Site Administrator Manual

This manual contains step-by-step instructions regarding various Provider Site Administrator tasks including those of a
VFC MCIR Provider Site Administrator.

MCIR Site Admin Mini Modules

Click image for resource.

Add New User to Your Site
Associate and Existing User to your Provider Site
Edit User's Name
Edit User's Role
Delete User
Find MCIR Site ID

MiLogin Account Assistance


How to Reset your MILogin password to access MCIR.

Do you have a different email, phone number or a name change.