Michigan schools and licensed childcare centers are required to report Immunization Program (IP) compliance on students through the age of 18 years to their local health department.

Visit School and Childcare Local Health Department Contacts for assistance.

Childcare Sites

Build and Update Roster by October 1st

If 90% compliancy rate is attained; close report on or after October 2nd. Report all children up to school age.

  1. Close the report period by clicking IP Status
  2. Click the “close period” button on October 2nd. Button will not be highlighted and you will not be able to close the period if you are not at 90% compliance.
  3. Continue to update immunization records until you reach at least 90% compliance.

Upon closing the period, an IP-101 report will automatically generate. Most health departments require a hard copy be submitted. 

Visit MCIR Creating, Editing and Viewing Reports Instructions

School Sites

Deadlines November 1st and February 1st

Report all Students NEW to the district regardless of age or grade

  • Report all kindergartners
  • Report all seventh graders
  • Schools need 90% compliancy rate to close on November 1 and 95% for February 1.

To report:

School sites should add all of the above students to the school roster.
The report can be closed by clicking on “IP Status” and then clicking the “close period” button.

Upon closing the period an IP-100 report will automatically be created. Most Health Departments require a hard copy be submitted to them..

Visit MCIR Creating, Editing and Viewing Reports Instructions

School/Childcare Forms


Michigan schools and licensed childcare centers are required to report Immunization Program (IP) compliance on students through the age of 18 to their local health department.


For training and county-specific reporting guidelines contact your Local Health Department visit School and Childcare Local Health Department Contacts

Waiver Information

All School and Childcare-entered waivers will be deleted, unless the student is marked for the current school or childcare report period (November or October), and/or the student is marked for K Roundup. Waivers should not affect any migrant schools or child cares.

Foreign Exchange Students

Foreign Exchange students need to meet the same Immunization Requirements as any other child when entering into a school district. This document should be provided to potential foreign exchange students and their potential host families prior to the student’s arrival in Michigan.

McKinney Vento

All school and childcare persons who are checked for McKinney Vento will be deleted, unless the student is marked for the current school (next one will be November) or childcare (October) report period.

Kindergarten Roundup Info

Kindergarten Roundup children may be entered into MCIR and added on to your roster during the spring round-up process. Rules that will be used for MCIR School/Childcare grade promotion:
More Info  . . .

Grade Promotion

Student grades will automatically be promoted on the first day of August each year. More Info . . .

Live-Live Rule Explained

Certain vaccines (MMR, Varicella, and Influenza Intranasal) are considered live-virus vaccines. More Info . . .

Master System Transfer

School Master Information Systems School Districts with school master information systems may create create a fixed-length text file to upload students and immunizations. The file must be approved by MCIR Helpdesk prior to submission. Steps to create and submit a file for approval are listed below. Steps for Creating and Submitting a File for Approval 

School as an Employer

Using the MCIR to verify Employee COVID-19 vaccination status

Letter from Michigan Department of Health & Human Services – School as an Employer

Resources, pdfs to print, roster user guide visit the School as an Employer Page for more info. . .

Verify Employee COVID-19 vaccination status
School room

Visit the Registration page starting to being with MILogin.

Need Help?

Connect with the
State MCIR
Helpdesk at

Visit our Agreements and Forms page. Connect with the State Helpdesk or visit School Site Administrator page.

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