The MCIR System release dated June 26, 2024, introduced an update to the criteria applied to inventory matching.  Please refer to this information or contact MDHHS MCIR Help Desk with any questions.

HL7 – Lot Expiration Date:  Matching Criteria

To ensure precise handling of vaccine inventory information, MCIR is including the lot expiration date when executing a reduction in inventory, this includes private inventory.

In confirming the effectiveness of this process MCIR performed data analysis and reviewed the following:

A limited number of messages received contain lot expiration dates that do not match other inventory criteria, such as:

  • Lot Number
  • Eligibility Inventory Category
  • CVX
  • Inventory Type

This mismatch prohibits the automatic reduction in the vaccine inventory.

Inventory Transfer Error – How to address:

  1. Updating your EMR:

Correcting the information within the EMR will ensure proper inventory reduction and eliminate transfer errors for mismatched or missing lot expiration dates.

While these messages will update the MCIR record correctly, the transfer report will reflect an error when attempting to update the inventory.  This is due to an incorrect/missing lot expiration date extracted from the HL7 message.

  • Confirming the lot expiration date is valid
  • Confirming the HL7 message contains your lot expiration date
  1. Manually updating Inventory in MCIR:

Impacted MCIR inventory: Error message received in MCIR “Lot not found in inventory”.

To resolve this error, perform the following steps:

Under Manage Inventory:

  1. From the “Manage Inventory” screen, click on the appropriate lot that needs a dose count correction.
  2. Click “Add New Transaction”
  3. Enter the correct date in the date field
  4. Enter the number of doses that need to be deducted
  5. From the “Action” drop-down options, choose “Adjustment”
  6. From the “Reason” drop-down options, choose “Inv On Hand/Data Correction”
  7. For “Inventory Effect” select Subtract
  8. For “LWB Effect” select N/A
  9. In the comment field, enter the reason you are manually deducting the doses, for example: “Doses were not deducted from inventory due to incorrect expiration date”
  10. Click submit

Data transfer/HL7 questions should be directed to Contact the MCIR Help Desk for assistance with the form at or 888-243-6652.