
Sally lives in Wiltshire with her two-year-old twins, Ted and Alex, and partner, Neil.

After a premature birth, Ted developed cerebral palsy and his mobility is severely affected.

“Because of Ted’s mobility issues, he couldn’t do a lot of what his brother was doing – things every little boy should be able to do. Ted was missing out on simple but important things, like running in the garden, stomping in puddles, and even being at eye level with Alex.

“I got in touch with the MCF, and they provided me with an Upsee mobility harness, which allows for assisted walking. This means Ted is able to enjoy the great outdoors!


Now, Ted is able to do so much more than he could before. He can join in with his brother when they run around the garden, and loves chasing Alex around their grandparents’ house! When we go to the park, he likes to point and shout “way!”, which is my cue to go in that direction.

“The boys love holding hands with each other and cuddling – it’s moments like these that make having twins really special. The MCF’s support has really given Ted a sense of independence, which is really important for a growing child. We are all so thankful.”

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