
Martin is a full-time carer for his partner, Gavin. Martin is now undergoing treatment for colon cancer, meaning he is not able to work.

“Gavin takes a lot of medication and I have to take him everywhere and be his constant support. Both our lives fall on my shoulders.

“The treatment I’ve been having for my colon cancer combined with the stress of being a carer really takes it out of me. I get the bare minimum in benefits and recently, everything started to get too much. I couldn’t afford to cover my rent or my bills, and I was served a notice of eviction. I didn’t know what to do. I was desperate, upset, and incredibly low.

“An MCF Visiting Volunteer came to visit me and helped me to fill out an application for MCF support. Soon after that, the MCF made an emergency payment to clear my arrears so I wasn’t made homeless. They also supported me with daily living expenses to help me get back on my feet.

The support gave me breathing space to focus on my own health as well as Gavin’s. I have started sleeping a little better and it meant that I stopped worrying about being homeless – something I really didn’t need adding to my stress.

“I’m so glad I gave the MCF a call.”

whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London