
When Kate’s husband was diagnosed with cancer, she had to give up her work to care for him.

“When Mike joined Freemasonry, we were unaware about the MCF, until one of his friends in the lodge mentioned we should get in touch for support.”

“Because our income had dropped so much, the MCF started to help us with our everyday living costs. Then, when Mike’s illness progressed, they helped to adapt our bathroom so that he could wash more easily and safely. They even supported our children with costs like school trips and a new computer, which has been absolutely essential during lockdown.”

“When Mike passed away in 2019, I never in a million years thought that we would still qualify for support. I’m so grateful that we were made aware of the MCF before he died, because otherwise I might never have known that help was out there.

It’s still really hard for us, especially with me being furloughed, but the support we’ve had has made a huge difference. Without it – once I’ve paid the mortgage and bills – we would have literally nothing. The MCF is the only reason we are able to live a normal life.

We’re still taking it just one day at a time, but now we can relax a bit and spend more time together. I’m so glad we discovered the MCF, contacting them and asking for help is the best thing I could have done for my family.”

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