
When Eileen’s husband, David, died very quickly of lung cancer, the MCF stepped in to support her by giving her the chance to travel abroad among other widows of Freemasons.

Eileen and David attended a lovely trip to Eastbourne with many masonic couples, in which day trips and events were organised by the MCF. Sadly, just after the trip David was diagnosed with progressive lung cancer, and he passed away six weeks later. With their son having just moved to Germany and unable to say goodbye, it was a devastating time for everyone.

“The Grand Master of David’s lodge called me one day and asked if I wanted to go on a trip abroad that the MCF was organising,” says Eileen.

“My husband and I used to go everywhere together, so after he passed away I thought I would have no life and no friends. I knew the MCF helped with other areas of people’s lives as I saw leaflets through the post when David was alive, but after he passed I didn’t think anything of it.”

“The call really took me by surprise to be honest. I asked him if I could think about it, as my son and his wife were expecting a baby around the same time. George (The Grand Master) said of course and let me know that there would be three other widows joining the trip, which appealed to me.  The holiday coincided with the year anniversary of David’s death, but the people I was with were brilliant; I had such a good time and we really enjoyed ourselves.”

“During the trip, I enjoyed boat trips and day excursions, which were organised by the MCF, and I really got to know two other ladies. We would go off and explore – we even booked a bus trip for ourselves and went down to the local villages and places of interest to us. If you wanted any advice about where to go or what to do, the MCF was there to help you plan your days – you really didn’t have to do anything which was lovely. The people who I was with were so supportive and kind, so I knew I was in safe hands on the anniversary of David’s death.”

I never thought I’d fly again after David died, but I had company and that really takes your mind off things. I made some great friends including other widows which helped me to talk about what I was going through as they understood my situation. Since the holiday, I’ve started to go to the widows’ Christmas meals each year. There I catch up with one of the ladies who was on my trip, and we exchange Christmas cards with each other.

“I’ve also put my name forward for future holidays within the UK that the MCF are running. The holiday gave me the confidence to do things on my own; I flew out to Germany not long ago to meet my new Grandson!”

“I know that David wanted me to go on living life as he told me so. So I suppose you’ve just got to go on, pick yourself up and be strong. With the MCF holidays, you’ve got good company and it’s always good to go with another group of people who are around your age and maybe in the same situation. Life is too short, so you’ve got to take things when they’re given to you. I look at the holiday as a gift that came at a time when I most needed it.”


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