
In 2020, Aubretia McColl received funding to carry out research into the cognitive effects of cerebrovascular disease, at Oxford University’s Centre for the Prevention of Stroke and Dementia.

Project title: ‘The Psychological and Cognitive Impact of Cerebrovascular Disease’

What is cerebrovascular disease?

Cerebrovascular diseases are a group of conditions that affect the blood vessels and blood supply to the brain – one of the most common being a stroke.

How will this research make a difference?

Previous research has tended to focus on the physical effects of stroke, but cognitive impairment has been reported in over 50 per cent of stroke survivors and is associated increased disability and a poorer quality of life.

Whilst it is known that anxiety disorders and depression commonly occur after a major stroke, less is known about the prevalence and risk factors for anxiety, depression or cognitive impairment after a Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) or minor stroke.

This research showed that there is a relationship between mortality and anxiety and depression after a TIA or minor stroke – and has opened the door for further research to identify the cause and reduce the risk.

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