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Immigration Legislation Passes House Floor

January 31, 2024

Washington, D.C. – H.R. 6678 and H.R. 6679 by Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-05) passed the House floor today.  The “Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act” (H.R. 6678) and the “No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act” (H.R. 6679) will next go to the Senate.

H.R. 6678 makes aliens inadmissible to, and removable from, the United States if such aliens are convicted of or admit to committing Social Security fraud and identification document fraud.

The current process for holding aliens accountable for Social Security fraud and identification document fraud is bureaucratized to the point of absurdity.  In one case an alien trafficking in phony identification documents was placed in removal proceedings in 2005, with the lengthy appeals process not concluding until 2013.

Despite the harm of Social Security fraud, there is no guarantee that an alien convicted of or admitting to this crime can be found inadmissible to or removable from the United States.

“The Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act” changes the arduous, counterintuitive, and lengthy process by streamlining the analysis and ensuring that criminal aliens can be held to account and quickly removed from the country for victimizing Americans for Social Security fraud and identification document fraud.

“The No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act” provides that any alien who carried out, participated in, planned, financed, afforded material support to, or otherwise facilitated any of the attacks against Israel initiated by Hamas beginning on October 7, 2023, be found inadmissible to and removable from the United States and ineligible for all relief under the immigration laws.

“It is imperative that Congress ensures that these bad actors will find no refuge in the United States,” remarked Rep. McClintock upon passage of H.R. 6679.


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