Mathematica Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Edna Andrade's Black Dragon: Winding Around Control Points

Edna Andrade Edna Andrade (1917-2008) is now recognized as an early leader in the Op Art movement. She lived and worked in Philadelphia for the majority of her career after first moving to the city ...

graphics computational-geometry generative-art splines  
user avatar asked by eldo Score of 13
user avatar answered by cvgmt Score of 17

Finite element method for 3D built-up structures using two materials

I wish to do finite element calculations of a steel structure supported on rubber blocks. As a warm up problem I make an all steel structure as follows. ...

finite-element-method solidmechanics  
user avatar asked by Hugh Score of 5
user avatar answered by user21 Score of 3

Function argument with tree type

I liked to define a function argument type representing a tree with only nodes: 0,1. Every subtree is defined as a list like this: {node,{subtree1},{subtree2},...} The definition is recursive. The ...

functions data-types  
user avatar asked by Giovanni Russo Score of 4
user avatar answered by Domen Score of 3

Fourier series using DFT

I am trying a simple example to do a discrete Fourier transform. My goal is to use DFT to find the frequencies that have built the time signal and then to a good approximation, use DFT data to find ...

fitting interpolation data fourier-analysis time-series  
user avatar asked by Ankush Girdhar Score of 3
user avatar answered by Daniel Huber Score of 6

Sort the arguments of a function using replace

I want to sort the arguments of a function f while multiplying with the signature of the permutation, i.e. f is totally antisymmetric function. My idea was something like ...

replacement permutation  
user avatar asked by jkb1603 Score of 3
user avatar answered by Michael E2 Score of 5

How to Implement Progressive Cell Coloring in a General Mesh or Tiling?

Here are some examples of what I am talking about using Voronoi for simplicity: Given: That can be colored depending on which cell is randomly chosen: I feel like there would be a better name for ...

graphics graphs-and-networks color mesh computational-geometry  
user avatar asked by Teg Louis Score of 3
user avatar answered by Domen Score of 5

Is there a more concise method to solve the problem of finding tangent lines to curves?

The question is: If the tangent line to the curve $y=e^x+x$ at point $(0,1)$ is also a tangent line to the curve $y=\ln(x+1)+a$, then $a=$ _______ My method is like this, very cumbersome. ...

user avatar asked by csn899 Score of 3
user avatar answered by cvgmt Score of 6

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How to find integer solutions?

Following is the equation: Need to solve for integer values of x,y when a,b lies between -1000 and 1000. Problem is to find the number of integer values of pair (x,y) that satisfy it.

user avatar asked by Sahil Sareen Score of 2
user avatar answered by bill s Score of 4

How do I plot a plane EM wave?

I would like to display an electromagnetic (EM) wave. I have written code that works, but it does not "shade" the area between the graph and the axes. Both the ...

graphics physics visualization  
user avatar asked by Rainforest Frog Score of 23
user avatar answered by J. M.'s missing motivation Score of 17

Is there a syntax for single-line comments for notebooks?

I'm aware that I can use (* ... *) to comment out stuff in a notebook. Many languages have a syntax for single-line comments, such as ...

syntax comment  
user avatar asked by Peeter Joot Score of 83
user avatar answered by Szabolcs Score of 86

Mathematica code for Bifurcation Diagram

At the moment I am trying to construct a bifurcation diagram of the iterative function $f(x)=$ $ax-1.1975x^3$. I've scoured the internet for pre-made bifurcation diagrams and found many (mostly of the ...

plotting graphics code-request  
user avatar asked by Mel Score of 32
user avatar answered by Mark McClure Score of 58

How can I plot the direction field for a differential equation?

I'd like to plot the graph of the direction field for a differential equation, to get a feel for it. I'm a novice, right now, when it comes to plotting in Mathematica, so I'm hoping that someone can ...

plotting differential-equations  
user avatar asked by Matt Groff Score of 39
user avatar answered by Peter Breitfeld Score of 31

How to add a front-end to the free Wolfram Engine? The Free Wolfram Engine for Developers is available for pre-production ...

front-end free-wolfram-engine jupyter-notebook  
user avatar asked by Alexey Golyshev Score of 85
user avatar answered by Alexey Golyshev Score of 68

How can I plot a graph of an integral?

I want to plot the following function: $$\int \left(\frac{\Gamma (x+1)}{2}-\frac{\Gamma (x-1)}{2}\right) \, dx$$

user avatar asked by Anixx Score of 5
user avatar answered by k_v Score of 11

Can you answer these questions?

Minimum Distance to Fly to Each European Country

Help me plan my holiday. These are all my available flights that I can get on airline points. I'm trying to work out what is the shortest distance to travel if I want to go to each every European ...

mathematical-optimization graphs-and-networks  
user avatar asked by Tomi Score of 1

TimeConstrained and optimization

I am trying to understand why wrapping TimeConstrained[] around optimization, e.g., MinValue[] can sometimes fail. To reproduce ...

mathematical-optimization numerical-value constraint  
user avatar asked by Aharon Naiman Score of 1

Faster implementation with Mathematica for these p,q-analog functions

I have implemented some p-q analogue functions in Mathematica. ...

special-functions combinatorics  
user avatar asked by 138 Aspen Score of 1
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