Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Teaching students how to check the validity of their proofs

The question Teaching students to find and correct their own errors and its answers address mainly calculation problems of the types typically found in secondary school and the lower levels of ...

undergraduate-education proofs  
user avatar asked by J W Score of 10
user avatar answered by user1149748 Score of 10

Does this explanation of integration and the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus make any sense?

First, Sue Pemberton (Pure Mathematics 1 Coursebook, 2018, Cambridge University Press) introduces integration as the reverse process of differentiation ... $\int x^3 \mathrm d x$ is called the ...

calculus integration  
user avatar asked by user103496 Score of 5
user avatar answered by Justin Skycak Score of 2

Advice for assigning student projects in masters data science stats course

I'd like some advice on assigning final projects in an applied stats course that I'm developing as part of a master's in data science program. I don't have a lot of experience assigning student ...

statistics projects  
user avatar asked by Quinn Culver Score of 2
user avatar answered by guest troll Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Why is learning mathematics compulsory?

In most education systems, Mathematics is a compulsory subject from primary school all the way to the start of university. A common reason given is that essential concepts like addition and ...

secondary-education curriculum  
user avatar asked by Axel Tong Score of 40
user avatar answered by Henry Towsner Score of 89

Whether to tell students how difficult (you think) a problem is

Background: Most textbooks end a section with a set of questions ranked either by topic or by difficulty. A distinction is often made between "exercises", which are for directly practicing a ...

mathematical-pedagogy textbooks problem-design writing community-colleges  
user avatar asked by Nick C Score of 19
user avatar answered by Justin Skycak Score of 32

Looking for simple "interesting" math problems that cannot be easily solved without algebra

I often find students who dislike algebra. They prefer to work with numbers in solving problems. I believe there are many problems that are hard to solve without algebra. For example: Finding the ...

user avatar asked by kiss my armpit Score of 17
user avatar answered by Sue VanHattum Score of 29

The concept of infinity for a 5 year old

My son, who just turned 5, has been interested in the concept of infinity since long. He asks me a lot of questions regarding infinity. For example, not accepting my infinity + any number = infinity, ...

preschool-education infinity  
user avatar asked by QMC Score of 48
user avatar answered by QMC Score of 19

Why don’t American school textbooks recognize negative numbers as whole numbers?

Looking up for definition for whole numbers on Google yields a result which mentions: The whole numbers are also called the positive integers (or the nonnegative integers, if zero is included). I ...

textbooks terminology negative-numbers  
user avatar asked by codespeare Score of 13
user avatar answered by R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Score of 26

Correcting how a student writes symbols

One of my college students writes the Greek letter $\pi$ as a script n with a bar over it, like $\bar{n}$. [There is actual space between the letter and the bar.] I have never seen this before, and ...

notation history  
user avatar asked by Nick C Score of 24
user avatar answered by Tyrannogina Score of 19

Teaching the difference between standard deviation and interquartile range

Are there any good examples for high school studends where: Interquartile range is "better" to describe "spread" in an (empirical) statistical distribution of data standard deviation is a "better" ...

secondary-education examples statistics  
user avatar asked by Julia Score of 9
user avatar answered by Matt Brenneman Score of 9
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