making a military heritage

Research project based at Stockholm University and funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond: the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and the Social Sciences, 2019-2021,

the project

The aim of this project is to explore how Sweden’s Cold War history is given societal meaning when military areas, artefacts and activities are turned into a national heritage. By examining how heritagization within a military context engages with gendered and ethnified representations of security/threat, belonging/exclusion and friends/enemies, the project encourages important democratic conversations on national values and inclusion: What defines national belonging and who should protect the nation’s values? What distinguishes a threatening other? Read the full project description here

The research team

Learn more here about the research team, their disciplinary background and expertise in the fields of Feminist International Relations and Critical Heritage Studies.

Field work sites

The research design is based on fieldwork. Here you can read more about the heritage sites the research team has visited.


Follow the publications here relating to the project as they are being published.


Follow the research project here as it progresses, including activities and latest news about field site visits, seminars, and project publications.

Contact us

The Making a Military Heritage is based at Stockholm University, Sweden.

Cecilia Åse (project leader),
Maria Wendt,
Fredrik Krohn Andersson,
Mattias Frihammar,

Pictures: Unless indicated otherwise, all images on this website are photos taken by the research team.

Copyright Making a Military Heritage: Gender and Nation in Sweden’s Cold War History – Med ensamrätt

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