ISSUE No. 2.2  //  APRIL 2018
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/noun 1. the pursuit of unique and memorable eating and drinking experiences.

"Gastronomy...a wizard’s wand in rescuing the ailing tourism industry."

– The Golden Key to Development, Gastroeconomy  (Aylin Öney Tan) 

Bangkok, Thailand; May 30 – June 1st
Building upon the success of past world forums, the Government of Thailand and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are organizing the 4th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism in collaboration with the Basque Culinary Center.
Broadly put, this forum explores gastronomy as the essence of culture and an element of intangible heritage along with how the interrelation between gastronomy and tourism can enhance sustainable local development.
More specifically, the focus of this year’s event is harnessing the power of technology as a driver for sustainable growth. In addition to exploring the importance of technology for sustainable food tourism, this event provides an excellent opportunity for leading experts in food tourism to discuss currents trends and challenges in the sector, exchange best practices, and inspire discussion on intercultural dialogue and gastro-diplomacy.
As an affiliate member of the UNWTO, we will be in attendance. Join us. Click HERE for more information.

EVENT REMINDER! 2018 Terroir Symposium on April 23rd at the Art Gallery of Ontario. This year’s theme is “Terroirnomics: The Powerful Economics of Local.” Look out for sessions such as:
  • Growing a Beverage Destination: Hosted by Catherine Morellon (Tourism Montreal) featuring Sylvia Augaitis (Wine Marketing Agency of Ontario), John Wurdeman (Pheasant’s Tears Winery), Kathleen Finlay (Glynwood) and moderated by Simon Thibault.
  • Recipe for a Delicious Destination: Hosted by Catherine Morellon (Tourism Montreal) featuring Kent Thompson (Food Island Partnership), Torunn Tronsvang (Up Norway), Fiona Richmond (Scotland Food & Drink), and moderated by Renee Suen.

Canada's taste of place is a mosaic. There is no singular cuisine connected to the country. Rather, it is a celebration of what comes from our lands, forests, rivers, lakes, and oceans. To better understand how visitors perceive food and drink in Canada, Destination Canada, our federal marketing organization, is conducting research to determine the market for culinary tourism. Additionally, they are providing recommendations to tourism and hospitality operators on how to best reach these markets, and where improvements can be made to showcase our taste of place.
Take a look at some of this research:  Canada Culinary Positioning Research - UK Travellers

Parmigiano Reggiano, Bordeaux, Gruyère, Longjing Tea, and Stornoway Black Pudding are some renowned examples of regions and products that are protected. There are three “quality logos” categories that attest to the authenticity and specific traditions of these foods, agricultural products, wines, aromatized wines, and spirits. The unique status of these regions and products associated with these quality logos should be leveraged for food tourism development. They provide locals and visitors alike with a taste of place, celebrate foodways, and help to preserve food and drink traditions and histories. 
The three core quality logos include:
  • Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) – Food, drink, or agricultural products that come from a specific region and/or follow a particular traditional production process.
  • Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) – This designation requires all aspects of production, processing, and preparation to be linked to a specific region/territory.
  • Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG) – At least one stage of production, processing, and preparation occur in the region, but the ingredients are not necessarily from the same geographical area.
To learn more about different regions and products connected with these quality schemes visit: DOOR (Database of Origin and Registration).
Road trips just got a whole lot more interesting with GyPSy Guides! These audio tours work offline and play automatically using your phone’s GPS, sharing directions, local stories, and travel tips. Visitors receive the benefits of a virtual tour guide, while maintaining control over their pace and itinerary. Currently, GyPSy Guides has developed audio tours for scenic drives in Canada and the United States, including “Icefields Parkway”, “Miami to Key West”, and “Niagara”. The Grow Food Tourism team sees so much potential in this app, especially for rural destinations. The value-add to car journeys could be huge through educational tidbits about local history, geography, and culture, as well as tips about where to stop on route, visitors will get so much more out of the time they spend driving.
The International Travel and Tourism Awards is now accepting applications for Best Food Destination! The award recognizes “destinations (and businesses) that have spent time supporting and promoting food within the destination, through imaginative marketing and PR campaigns, as well as offering a consistently unique and memorable experience for visitors.” Work conducted between 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2017 by destinations, national tourism organizations (NTOs), and private nominees is eligible. What a great opportunity to highlight the creative and innovative work that is being done in food tourism across the globe!
The Culinary Tourism Alliance is a non-profit, industry-led and industry-leading association. For the past decade, we have been developing world-class food tourism strategies, implementation plans, and experiential food tourism products, all while growing awareness about the power and potential of food tourism development.

We are on a mission to help build local and regional identities by working with strategic partners to support agriculture, viticulture and aquaculture businesses across the food tourism value chain. Culinary literally means “of or pertaining to the kitchen,” and Grow Food Tourism is our way of sharing what’s happening in the CTA kitchen.

Every quarter we’ll be sharing news, updates, tools and resources, with you, our partners in developing food tourism around the world.

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Culinary Tourism Alliance
All rights reserved.