Proposed Policy on Rights in IANA Parameter Registry Data

The IETF Trust <> Thu, 17 September 2020 02:09 UTC

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The IETF Trust is asking for community input on a Proposed Policy on Rights in IANA Parameter Registry Data as explained in Draft-halpern-trust-ianapolicy  (

Background:  The IANA Parameter Registry Data is not subject to copyright, and is intended to be freely and openly usable by adopters.  However, no formal notice of this appears on the IANA Parameter Registry Data and the absence of a formal notice has caused confusion for some adopters which has resulted in many emails to IANA seeking guidance.    This proposed policy by the IETF Trustees is intended to clarify the situation by providing a formal declaration that the material is to be considered in the Public Domain as detailed in the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) declaration.   

The IETF Trustees believe that this assertion is in keeping with the current and historic intention for the material, and that this declaration neither adds nor removes any compliance restrictions to the open and free use that is intended for the data in the IANA Parameter Registry.  This proposed policy is merely a means to clarify the intended usage rules to those whom have been confused by the absence of a formal declaration.

This has been developed by the IETF Trustees with input from the IETF Trust’s legal counsel, and with engagement with IANA. 

Please read the draft for specifics of the proposal, the legal aspects behind it, and the motivation for the policy before commenting as the draft attempts to address what are anticipated to be common questions on the proposal.

This consultation will last for 30 days.

Please send comments TLP-INTEREST@IETF.ORG before October 17,2020

Thank you,
Glenn Deen,    IETF Trust Chair on behalf of the IETF Trustees