EFFcooperatingtechs -- EFF Cooperating Techs

About EFFcooperatingtechs

The Cooperating Techs list is a low volume list that connects attorneys and callers who need technical assistance with technologists who have the expertise and the desire to assist.
We will post a note to the list with a basic description of the project and if you're on the list and are qualified and interested, you contact us, and we'll connect you to the attorney.

EFF won't investigate or vouch for either side so it is up to both parties to negotiate the work arrangements.
We'll simply provide the connection.

Feel free to contact cooptechs@eff.org if you have any questions.

This list is not archived.

Using EFFcooperatingtechs
To post a message to all the list members, send email to effcooperatingtechs@eff.org.

You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing subscription, in the sections below.

Subscribing to EFFcooperatingtechs

Subscribe to EFFcooperatingtechs by filling out the following form. You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

EFFcooperatingtechs Subscribers

EFFcooperatingtechs list run by effcooperatingtechs-owner at eff.org
EFFcooperatingtechs administrative interface (requires authorization)
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