Global China: Resistance and Adaptation

Made in China Summer School 2020

Florence, Italy 13 – 17 July
Apply until 8 March

The China Question: Toward a Left Perspective

Public Forum

January 25, 2020 10.00am - 5.00pm
Verso Loft, 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010 Brooklyn, NY 11201 United States

An Anatomy of the Hong Kong Protests

Public Forum

11 November 2019 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm

Auditorium, China in the World Building

Speakers: Edmund Cheng, Eliza W.Y. Lee, Francis Lee, Samson Yuen. Chaired by: Anita Chan, Amanda Tattersall.

Working China: Past, Present, and Future

Made in China Webinar Series

What lessons can we gather from the past incarnations of the labour movement in China? What is the predicament of labour activists in the increasingly authoritarian China of today? And what challenges lie ahead for Chinese workers? To answer these questions, the Made in China Journal is hosting a three-part webinar series on the past, present, and future of labour in China.

Academic Freedom, Academic Integrity, and Open Access in the Social Sciences

9 September 2019, 9am–5pm, PhD Academy, London School of Economics

On 9 September, a group of academics, librarians, and practitioners of Open Access (OA) met at the LSE to discuss alternatives to the current corporate forms of scholarly communication. Conversations about OA have been concerned to a large extent with the STEM experience, and have been shifting to focus on the development of new and better publishing and dissemination infrastructure. There has been less discussion of the political implications of OA advocacy, including the role that related initiatives could have in the defence of what we perceive as the increasingly imperilled principles of academic freedom and integrity.

Labour Struggles and International Solidarity in China

21 March 2019 – 14:00-15:00 Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Over the past year the space for labour activism in China has shrunk considerably amidst an ongoing crackdown against workers, activists, and student groups. Join us for an open meeting at the AAS with concerned labour scholars to discuss the situation and potential ways to form international solidarity. 

All welcome!

Chinese Labourscapes: Transregional Perspectives on Work and Rights

Made in China Summer School 2018 – Florence 9–13 July

The second Made in China Summer School was held in the CISL Study Centre, situated in a Renaissance villa on the Fiesole Hill just north of Florence. The event brought together prominent scholars, students, trade unionists, and activists to discuss the transregional dynamics underpinning how Chinese labour operates both domestically and globally.

Labour and Rights in an Era of Global Precarity: Views from China

Made in China Summer School 2017 – Venice 17–21 July

The inaugural Made in China Summer School took place on San Servolo—a small island in the Venice Lagoon. The event provided a forum for prominent scholars and civil society actors to engage in a series of presentations and discussions on issues related to Chinese labour and precarious work in a global perspective.

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