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The Mathematical Association of America has a long tradition of excellence in mathematical exposition.

Through our international peer-reviewed journals, the MAA is proud to be the leading voice in the field of mathematics.

Whether you are a student, instructor, work in industry, or just find math fun, there is an MAA journal for you.

The American Mathematical Monthly

First published in 1894, The American Mathematical Monthly publishes articles, notes, and other features about mathematics and the profession in ten issues each year. Its readers span a broad spectrum of mathematical interests and abilities. Della Dumbaugh, Editor

College Mathematics Journal

The College Mathematics Journal is an expository magazine aimed at college mathematics teachers, particularly those teaching the first two years. It publishes well-written and captivating articles exploring new mathematics or old mathematics in a new way. The College Mathematics Journal prints five issues per year. Tamara Lakins, Editor


MAA Convergence

First published in 2004, Convergence is the MAA's online journal, where history, mathematics, and teaching meet. It offers a wealth of resources to help instructors enrich their students' learning experience by teaching mathematics using its dynamic history.  Amy K. Ackerberg-Hastings and Daniel Otero, Editors

Mathematics Magazine

Mathematics Magazine

Mathematics Magazine publishes expository articles meant to appeal to a broad mathematical audience that includes strong undergraduate students. Our editorial philosophy is that if a topic is in any way related to mathematics, then it is potentially of interest to the magazine. Mathematics Magazine has been published continuously since 1947 and currently prints five issues per...